Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Anything is possible now. Miracles will appear to manifest as the Force, the Field is harnessed. The Dragon, the DNA is harnessed and the natural laws express themselves. Be prepared for the miracles that await manifestation. Here they come: the power to heal, to uplift the psyche of all who enter the radiating aura, to manifest any material object desired; here it comes.
Through many lifetimes the soul of Jaso has travelled from body to body, from planet to planet accross the universe, continuing the great Work, perfecting the Art, until today where s/he stands on the forefront of time and space in the mundane realm. The final perfected product is there in seed form, germinating slowly as the layers of covering are peeled away and the rememberance of the original plan and person dawn. Ah the mission of this lifetime and many before it, the same original mission...full self-realization... is about to be accomplished!