Fri 25 March – Thurs 7 April
Sun in Aries; Mercury in Aries (retro 29th); Venus in Aqua/Pisces 27th; Mars in Pisces/Aries 2nd
Listen, let’s not beat about the bush here, Sun and Mercury in active Aries means it’s time to forge ahead along new paths, lead the charge and start the ball rolling in the direction of your choosing. Oops…hang on a moment, what about Mercury’s retrograde from March the 29th? Telling the ram to halt his charge is like trying to put a tsunami on pause. Someone is going to get very hot and frustrated and blow the lid to his reactor. Even more so from April 2nd, when Mars also enters his own sign of Aries. Talk about an impulsive urge to push forward without forethought. This is a great time for those who see or need to see life as a battlefield, (or more civilly as a cricket field). The mood is brave, bold and courageous though not always courteous. Since there is no use in trying to curb your enthusiasm, or your competitive drive at this time, the best one can do is redirect that explorative pioneering spirit from the world out there to the inner path of the self. Mercury retrograde in Aries is best used to look at yourself. Aries is, after all the “I am” archetype, where “me first” has its roots. Forge ahead by all means, explore new and uncharted territory, go where no man has gone before, but realize first that the most important direction, the largest expanse of the unknown waiting to be mapped, the newest and most exciting realm filled with unimagined treasures asking to be discovered, is within. Any new external projects started now under the influence of the retrograde may have to be redone or repeated in some way, but by turning the explorative, initiatory impulse inward on yourself, and making your Self the centre of attention in the spirit of Aries, you harness the current trend in a positive way that prevents butting your head against a brick wall or locking horns with others.
Your mental trigger finger is likely to be not only itchy now but also quick to draw conclusions and once out there the bullet of your thoughtless words said in the heat of the moment will be hard to retract and could lead to injuries you later regret. Therefore, with the competitive masculine libidinal energy of Mars in Aries at its strongest from April 2nd onwards, by all means strive forth with all the enthusiasm and impulsive courage available to you, but remember the retrograde Mercury pulling the thought processes inward and become a pioneer of consciousness. The world always needs more explorers bold enough to enter still further into the uncharted territory of the psyche and return with a map, samples of the potential treasure available and the audacity to say “I did it first, and where I am, you can also be”. The triple Aries influence facilitates going it alone as opposed to team efforts so give yourself the time and opportunity and harness the unrestricted drive available to you. “I did it my way” could be the theme song of the moment, and God help those who get in the way of this independent, headstrong, spontaneous and easily aroused mood. Patience, self-control and humility are the qualities you will be most challenged to cultivate during this fiery time. Fortunately we have been here before and previous spiritual warriors have put warning buoys and sirens to alert us. The alarm bells are ringing, it’s time for fight or flight and fortune favours the bald.
Sun in Aries; Mercury in Aries (retro 29th); Venus in Aqua/Pisces 27th; Mars in Pisces/Aries 2nd
Listen, let’s not beat about the bush here, Sun and Mercury in active Aries means it’s time to forge ahead along new paths, lead the charge and start the ball rolling in the direction of your choosing. Oops…hang on a moment, what about Mercury’s retrograde from March the 29th? Telling the ram to halt his charge is like trying to put a tsunami on pause. Someone is going to get very hot and frustrated and blow the lid to his reactor. Even more so from April 2nd, when Mars also enters his own sign of Aries. Talk about an impulsive urge to push forward without forethought. This is a great time for those who see or need to see life as a battlefield, (or more civilly as a cricket field). The mood is brave, bold and courageous though not always courteous. Since there is no use in trying to curb your enthusiasm, or your competitive drive at this time, the best one can do is redirect that explorative pioneering spirit from the world out there to the inner path of the self. Mercury retrograde in Aries is best used to look at yourself. Aries is, after all the “I am” archetype, where “me first” has its roots. Forge ahead by all means, explore new and uncharted territory, go where no man has gone before, but realize first that the most important direction, the largest expanse of the unknown waiting to be mapped, the newest and most exciting realm filled with unimagined treasures asking to be discovered, is within. Any new external projects started now under the influence of the retrograde may have to be redone or repeated in some way, but by turning the explorative, initiatory impulse inward on yourself, and making your Self the centre of attention in the spirit of Aries, you harness the current trend in a positive way that prevents butting your head against a brick wall or locking horns with others.
Your mental trigger finger is likely to be not only itchy now but also quick to draw conclusions and once out there the bullet of your thoughtless words said in the heat of the moment will be hard to retract and could lead to injuries you later regret. Therefore, with the competitive masculine libidinal energy of Mars in Aries at its strongest from April 2nd onwards, by all means strive forth with all the enthusiasm and impulsive courage available to you, but remember the retrograde Mercury pulling the thought processes inward and become a pioneer of consciousness. The world always needs more explorers bold enough to enter still further into the uncharted territory of the psyche and return with a map, samples of the potential treasure available and the audacity to say “I did it first, and where I am, you can also be”. The triple Aries influence facilitates going it alone as opposed to team efforts so give yourself the time and opportunity and harness the unrestricted drive available to you. “I did it my way” could be the theme song of the moment, and God help those who get in the way of this independent, headstrong, spontaneous and easily aroused mood. Patience, self-control and humility are the qualities you will be most challenged to cultivate during this fiery time. Fortunately we have been here before and previous spiritual warriors have put warning buoys and sirens to alert us. The alarm bells are ringing, it’s time for fight or flight and fortune favours the bald.