Fri 16 Dec – Thurs 29 Dec 2011
Sun in Sag/Cap (22nd) solstice; Merc in Sag; Venus in Cap/Aqu (20th); Mars in Virgo; Jupiter dir 25th
Have you been utilizing the current transit of the Sun and Mercury through Sagittarius to examine and explore your philosophy of life? Now, as the Sun aligns with the Galactic Center on the 19th, and then arrives at his most southern point on the Solstice of Dec 22nd, we have a fine opportunity to focus our consciousness with clarity on the goal of our individual lives as well as align ourselves with our true centre internally as well as with whoever or whatever embodies our belief system externally. The Christian calendar does this automatically (although perhaps unknowingly or unconsciously for most) three days after the Solstice on Dec 25th, which is the exact point at which the Sun begins his return from the apparent depths of darkness after a three day pause there, as seen from the northern hemisphere, to rise again towards a slowly lengthening of daylight visibility. Watch the documentary “Zeitgeist” if you want to hear more about the fact that Christmas is originally based on (amongst other things) the astronomical movement of the Sun at the Solstice.
As for aligning ourselves…who do you accept as spiritual authority? What qualifies them to be such? Usually we accept someone by what they say, but what if their words or ideas are beyond our comprehension or ability to realize? We could end up discrediting them simply because we are not realized enough to comprehend them. Perhaps we should accept someone as an authority by their actions. After all, actions speak louder than words. However, the same logic or reasoning could apply – we may not be aware enough to comprehend their actions either and may be judging them according to our limited frame of reference. Of course on the ultimate level even the act of judging - accepting or rejecting - is merely a product or function of the mind, and not a matter of transcendence. Yet at the same time paradoxically we have to accept some things over others which we reject; so with all these contradictions and layers upon levels of realization how do we get anywhere or get anything done at all? Surely discrimination is needed, which implies making a judgment. Which brings me back to my question of whose standards are you using for your yardstick. On one level it depends on time, place and circumstance - what is appropriate according to your time in history, your geographical location or the socio-cultural circumstances in which you find yourself. However, on another level some things, particularly when discussing spiritual truths, are meant to be absolute, or eternally valid regardless of the temporary shifts in society, culture and history. For example even the teachings of Buddha, Shankara, Christ or Mohammed all have a starting point in history, before which the teachings were irrelevant. That is on one level, while on an absolute level certain spiritual truths taught by those teachers and others are timeless because they deal with our eternal spiritual natures or because they apply to all people under all circumstances for all time. Truths such as the concept that driving our temporary material body is an eternal spiritual spark of consciousness, and that one can uncover that spiritual self, and indeed should, by certain techniques which have always worked and always will, regardless of who tries them and when in history, because they are transcendent or absolute. This is apparently what is meant by one’s “Dharma”, the actual translation from the Sanskrit being “eternal constitutional nature or position”, regardless of time, place or current socio-religious circumstance. For example the dharma of fire is to burn, the dharma of sugar is to be sweet, and the dharma of the living entity is to be an eternally blissful conscious person (sat chit ananda), even though housed in this current temporary material body. So as Jupiter apparently goes direct or forward again on Dec 25th after several months of retrograde motion, take the opportunity to wish yourself and all others a merry Saturnalia and a blessed year of real consciousness awakening on all levels.