Saturday, October 10, 2015

Mars opposition Neptune

By the second week in October , we have a brief passing alignment of Mars and Neptune in opposition. Now Mars and Neptune are of themselves strange bedfellows. The drive and action of Mars becomes dissipated or challenged by the Neptune archetype coming into our life via an outside source. Oppositions of planets regularly play themselves out in relationship encounters, where one person carries the qualities of the one planet and the other person adopts the opposing planet’s expression. Neptune here dissipates the action nature of Mars, particularly into subtle escapist activities like the old “wine, women and song trio”. Other crucial activities may potentially get sidetracked if time gets misused and misappropriated. There can be a feeling of insidious procrastination if we’re not constantly keeping the goal in mind, evaluating the priorities, and remaining clear about the fact that life is short and only getting shorter, so we need to use the limited energy and drive that remains left to us for the highest goal.

It’s ok to dream big now, wish upon a star, but just be sure it’s the most important one in your chart. The desire nature can become hard to control or keep focused on that main priority if we’re not careful. Also watch out for getting mixed up in secret or underhand activities that are difficult to control. Neptune is so nebulous in its influence, and unconscious urges may slip out or be played out in our inter-relationship dynamics. Physical ailments representing repressed desires may manifest psychosomatically, so keep a check on any injuries that appear. Ultimately and most importantly, Neptune can so easily play the sob story in a way that you find your sympathies being taken advantage of. If it’s an old pattern, then even more reason to nip it in the bud, because you can.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Mars square Saturn

Thank the astrological heavens that the current Mars square Saturn aspect is past its peak and gradually fading. A square or 90 degree angle between any planets symbolises a challenging interplay because they are in incompatible signs to begin with. And in this particular situation we are talking about the two planets both known as "malefics", as in malevolent (not to be confused with "Malefecent" the movie where the jolly horned villainess actually turns out to have a good side). It suggests a rather frustrating time, with blocked ambitions, libido or ego expression. This in turn leads to negative feelings internally, which then flows into our relationships. Also it's a time when we can be a bit hard on ourselves too.
Of course there is a positive way to channel this influence too. For example this would be the ideal time to go on a fast, practice some self-discipline in the area of our life that may need it, or just embrace the austerity measures imposed on us, knowing that it is just a phase. Also the potential callousness that may manifest can instead be utilised where being thick-skinned is required, especially if we have been over-sensitive or too weak-egoed for our own good. After all what is a callous other than a chunk of thick skin, put there to toughen one's resistance to some external pressure.
So in this way the potential malefic villain can actually be an Angelina in disguise and end up helping us to strengthen our weak points, toughen up our resolve with the ability to soldier resiliently on. Despite the physical aches and pains, or feelings of weakness that we may feel in our limbs for a time.

Mercury retrograde in Libra square Pluto

The recently completed Mercury retrograde in Libra will have Mercury to make a square aspect to Pluto in Capricorn, not once but three times over a period of a few weeks - once while moving forward, once in retrograde, and then once more on the final forward pass.
Now Mercury square Pluto is traditionally known as "the obsessed mind". We may thus each feel this influence in our own unique way of course. One may, for example, be forced to take your computer in for repairs three times as it keeps coming back faulty. And in the obsession to get to the root of the problem, one may imagine ulterior motives where there are none, becoming overly suspicious toward the tech support, thinking he is out to get you. Or in an online written exchange of ideas one may start reading into the replies dark intent where there is none. Or your own provocative replies may cause more problems than necessary. Basically we can end up meeting our own shadows in the written and spoken word of others, manifesting even as a paranoia. Of course if we push on with the steely mental determination to get to the bottom of the matter, to really peel away the falsehoods and expose true motives, then we can find just what it is that shadow is trying to teach us about ourselves. And by the healthy process of introspection, spurred on by this catalytic square aspect, one can make healthy strides forward in self-realization. Just be careful, at the same time, not to overpower others with overly fierce debate or desire to convert others to your way or the highway.

On the positive side too, by the time the third exact square alignment passes by, one should ideally be able to purge, heal or discover the healthy way to channel the intense mental energy available, and to really harness it productively. Even if it means writing it all down with a pen and paper until the laptop returns. Because when it does return, it should be so much more powerful, as more latent unconscious psychic potential is released to conscious use.

Mercury Stationary Direct

On 9 October, after about three weeks of retrograde motion, Mercury appears to stop and remain stationary, before going direct or forward through the zodiac once again. During the cycle, a planet's energy is most powerful (and more likely to generate critical events of universal importance) when the planet makes a station: appearing motionless in the sky. These stationary periods occur near the beginning of the cycle (when the planet first halts as it prepares to move backwards) and midway through the cycle when the retrograde planet slows to a stop before moving forward again as it will on the 9th. This direct station (when the planet halts before moving forward again) is the most powerful and can be used for maximum benefit. Even though there can still be some annoyances after the moment of stationary pause, due to Mercury still moving so slowly, the day of station itself is a valuable one.
Although occurring at the very beginning of Libra, this influence is felt by or available to all, although those born in early Libra or any of the other cardinal signs(Aries, Cancer and Capricorn) may feel its influence more directly. Since the Sun is also still in the sign of Libra now, the qualities of cooperation and companionship still permeate, where teamwork is favoured – as long as it adheres to ones core principles and a sense of what is just. After all, those Libran scales only balance when the input is fair on both sides.