Friday, October 9, 2015

The Life cycle in Astrology

Early Man felt a connection
between himself and the life all around him.
He saw himself as part
of a Greater Whole in which he played a part,
although insignificant.

2As Man's intellect grew,
so did his sense of importance and separateness.
He fell into competition
with the life forms around him
and sought to control them to suit his needs.
Man lost his sense of interdependence with life, and
astrology/religion became just another tool
for trying to control life.
But astrology, which had once
represented holism, can represent it again.

3We need to return to the sense of wholeness that we once had.
To do this, we will have to
reintegrate the lost part of ourselves
that provided this sense of wholeness and harmony:
our spiritual Self.
In fact, if we don’t do this,
the human race may not survive.
Our current direction is
destroying our most basic resources and the earth itself.
If we continue, there will be little left.

4Maybe this is what it will take before we realize
that we can only survive by working together.
What role can ...” one's chosen spiritual path”...... play in this?
First, it can provide the philosophical and spiritual
underpinnings that are missing.
Second, it can provide guidance about how to fulfil our soul's Plan,
chosen path for this lifetime.
Fulfilling our Plan is important to the Whole.
First, let's examine
these philosophical and spiritual underpinnings.

5 Astrology reveals the cyclical nature of life.
It demonstrates that we are part of an orderly universe:
the moon circles around the earth,
the earth circles around the sun,
one season follows another.
Our lives imitate these cycles,
being a microcosm of the great macrocosm.
We can hardly
notice these patterns and cycles
without also conceding to the existence of
a Higher Order,
an organizing
if not creative force—a Logos.

6“Astrology” also suggests that life continues beyond death.
what meaning would our lives have if they
were not part of a larger process of evolution?
Reincarnation explains many of the mysteries of life:
why people are different,
why suffering exists, and
why some people suffer more than others do.
Reincarnation also explains many things about the chart
that cannot be explained otherwise:
some signs in our charts are more developed than other signs and
some patterns run deeper than
just one lifetime could explain.

7Astrology also offers us a glimpse
of the perfection and wonder of the universe.
For anyone who
has used astrology for many years,
it is its own proof
of the existence of something higher.
It verifies the unseen like an oracle,
providing a bridge
designed of symbols
between the spiritual realm and the earthly one.
the archetypal realm
the realm of the Sun moon and planets
the realm of unity of brain hemispheres
unity consciousness
union of ego and superego
dare I say soul and supersoul?
Atma and Paramatma?
Unity and diversity simultaneously that is
Achintya bheda abheda tattva
Astrology is the esoteric translated into symbols.
Astrology also teaches us of holism,
that all of life is interrelated and interdependent.
In a holistic universe,
the parts synergistically combine to form a whole.
Just as we are part and parcel
of the whole.
In quality identical
but in quantity minute in proportion.
The whole is more than the sum of the parts,
and each part is indispensable to the whole.
So it is with our charts. At the same time, the
whole is reflected in each of the parts:
“As above, so below.”
The individual entering life
reflects the energies present in the universe
at the moment of birth.
The energies of that moment can be read
in the sky and are represented in the chart.
Thus, the chart
is a picture of the energies of that moment,
which the individual born at that moment personifies.

8These energies are like a costume
donned for one lifetime to experience the lessons and develop
the talents of those energies.
Still, we are more than these energies;
we are more than our charts.
We are the sum total of all our previous lifetimes of experiences
and their energy patterns (charts).
In many ways, we are like actors on a stage:
we know that we are more
than the character that we are playing,
but for the time being we dress up in our costume and play our part.
The difference is that the actor has no freedom
to choose his lines and actions, and we do.
This is an important difference.
While the actor lives the script written for him,
we create the play as we go along.
We have no direct script.
Our future, our story,
is created by our choices.
But is that all? Is it all choice?

9Let's explore this further.
Just how much of our lives is predetermined
and how much is created by our choices?
Many of us believe that some events in life are predestined,
such as certain meetings.
Nevertheless, although some events may well be prearranged,
how and when they take place can’t be.
This is determined by the circumstances
and events that we create by our choices.
Free will and predestination interweave in our lives.
The few events in our lives that are predestined
are woven into the fabric of life
created by our choices and by the choices of those close to us.
If you stop a moment to think
about the many possible choices
you and others could make,
you can only conclude that
the specifics of the future are not predetermined.
The lessons that our soul sets out to teach us
must therefore be worked into the framework
already created by our choices.
The soul has to "play it by ear"
and wait for suitable opportunities to deliver its lessons.
As a result, predicting the future is
precarious, to say the least.
Therefore, the Plan described in the chart can only be very general.
More will be said about reading the Plan in the discussions that follow.

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