Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Great Leap Forward for Jupiter and Uranus

Thurs 27 May – Wed 9 June
This is the last fortnight of Mars’ extended stay in Leo so get it while it’s hot. By June 6th he will be in cool and dutiful Virgo. While still on this side of the cusp though, Mars favours the sensational and dramatic approach, and therefore also requires our respect for those who wish to aggrandize themselves. Those of you who tend toward depression have immunity until the Mars shift into Virgo, so enjoy it and entrench it as a new paradigm to keep you chirpy during any future potentially moody times.
Also taking place on June 6th at a planet near you is Jovial Jupiter’s brief sneak preview into Aries for three months, after which he returns to his main attraction as a star in Pisces for the rest of the year. Jupiter’s position in the zodiac reveals to us where we can grow, expand or get lucky and in the sensitive water sign of Pisces, the intuition and imagination are fields of opportunity for us, along with the charitable concern for the underdog. Sounds paradoxical, I know, but the motivation to give brings more benefit this year than the desire to get. Ideally we can rise above pettiness and see the bigger picture - that we are all actors in this big screen blockbuster called Life on Earth and by thinking globally and acting locally we can play our part throughout our seven ages. Then when it’s time to drop the mask we can return to being our selves knowing the show will go on. At the rate we are going now, we are likely to bring the house down sooner than expected. But let’s not go there. We don’t all have to clean up the spilt oil, though we can all become conscious of how much oil our carbon footprint demands and how sustainable it actually is. As the Bard says, “This wide and universal theatre presents more woeful pageants than the scene we play in.”
As for Jupiter’s taste of Aries fast approaching, we can expect an expansion of all things related to that sign. So there will be an abundant supply of hats. After all, Aries rules the head. Even hair products could get a boost. Jokes aside though, during the past 60 years Jupiter has transited Aries five times. Four out of the past five times the Stock Market has gone up. Expansive enthusiasm may arise though this is only a three month phase remember. During this time individual creativity is favoured as Aries rewards the inventor, so we could see a rise in new sources of energy, like home-made electricity. This is especially true when Jupiter conjuncts Uranus - also on the 6th of June coincidentally – for a few days. With all eyes on Uranus, also just testing the Aries waters for three months before retreating to Pisces until next year, sudden new ideas can emerge like a bolt from the blue and radical change will not be surprising either. Another thing that will push things forward again is the long awaited end of Saturn’s retrograde around the start of June. At last the wheels of industry can roll out and deliver on their promises, while new projects can be started with confidence. Not a moment too soon either; I can hear those World Cup soccer fans beating a path here already.
For your personal horoscope analysis email jasomati@yahoo.com

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