Thurs 19 Aug – Wed 1 September
To have both Venus our Love goddess and Macho Mars our warrior god both in Libra at the same time is certainly quite a boon. If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, then this is definitely the time when the two genders should be able to find rapport. Venus is actually at home here in her own sign, ready to entertain her special guest Mars, who can throw off his warrior armour and practice his conversation skills, and diplomatic arts now. During the duration of this edition Mars and Venus are in fact conjunct, being within a few degrees of each other in the zodiac. Talk about getting up close and personal. The need to express the desire nature will increase, as well as the urge for making social contacts in general, so get out your phrase book and practice those one-liners. It only takes 30 seconds to create a first impression on someone, so make sure it’s a favourable one. For those less socially inclined, get out your art tools, the tools of your art, and channel the passions and creative urges into something beautiful.
The Sun is also in his own sign in fiery Leo until the 23rd, the sign associated with the heart, with romance, fun and kids – any creativity actually, children being the most literal expression of the creative act. Thereafter the Sun’s shift into Virgo may find the mood shifting toward work, duty, health and hygiene; so relationships with co-workers, staff, as well as healthcare practitioners are a natural focus.
Just remember that Mercury, although also in his own sign of Virgo, is retrograde from Aug 20th through until Sept 11th. The 20th itself, called the ‘station’, when Mercury appears to stand still before retrograding, is a particularly critical day, so try to avoid planning any significant events for that day if at all possible. Thereafter it may, for example, be a good time to repair your old car, home appliance or computer, but not ideal for any new purchase. The idea with the retrograde is that it facilitates going back and redoing or repairing something that is broken, but that anything new attempted now may need redoing later. Firm decisions that have been previously made when Mercury was traveling normally through the zodiac may be implemented or finalized while Mercury is retrograde so not to worry about that. It may facilitate introspection, particularly amongst those who have Virgo prominent in their charts. Lingering or untreated health issues can be tackled too during the Virgo retro period when the purpose is to review and revise our lives, health, diet and routines, as well as our work, staff, productivity and efficiency. The urge to sift through, refine and upgrade our systems should be harnessed, while simply relaxing if delays or obstacles present themselves in the daily tidal flow of events (not uncommon in this country). No use trying to comb your hair during a wind storm.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Pluto's t-square explodes
Now what is it that causes two of the worst oil spills in world history, one off America and one off China, to occur within days of each other? Well the other day, a few editions back, I mentioned a total solar eclipse which fell on 11 July (on the day of the World Cup Final and Spain’s victory) and how it involved a tight T- square aspect between several planets, all focused on Pluto in Capricorn. Well the square aspect to Pluto has lasted for several months now, even though the solar eclipse only lasted a few minutes. In Greek mythology and astrological lore Pluto is Lord of the Underworld, affiliated with anything which is buried or hidden - the unconscious, hidden treasures and the earth’s hidden wealth. The archetypal shadow even, outwardly dark and negative, but potentially the source of our support and ultimate individuation when harnessed, according to Jung. Pluto literally means “the wealthy one”. Astrologically Pluto is also associated with mines and mining, (as well as plumbing curiously) and I couldn’t help but see the two oil drilling disasters as a synchronous ripple in the tide of the planet, playing itself out while the other planets echoed in the symphony of the solar system. The planets have been grouping up against each other at three points in the constellation belt around Earth for the past few months; some in square aspect (90 degrees) and others in opposition (180 degrees) to each other. And these are all the slowest moving planets; that’s why this multiple aspect is lasting so long, since April when the oil spill first occurred. A way of reading the oracle of the planets at the moment, simply by looking at a horoscope for the past few months, would be to see that all that pressure from Saturn and Uranus on Pluto has manifested as blowing the lid on our subterranean stores and sending all their black gold spewing uncontained.
Besides that, Pluto symbolizes hidden forces, of the depths where they gather and of their ruthless, irresistible or uncontrollable eruptions. Pluto was also in Capricorn in 536 AD, when the Mediterranean froze under a cloud of dust, due to a volcanic eruption in the Southern Hemisphere that brought a nuclear winter to the North. That makes the volcanic eruption in Iceland the other day look quite mild, but it does seem to suggest a pattern.
Then last week (early Aug) the faster planets of the solar system joined the T- square configuration for a few days. Venus, the goddess of love and good fortune, smiled on the situation and BP finally sealed their leak just as Venus joined Saturn. It’s not over yet though. I wonder what the horoscope of BP’s CEO who had to resign looks like?
If Pluto was prominent in his chart, or any of the first few degrees of the Cardinal signs were important (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). That is where it’s all taking place in the zodiac now.
Besides that, Pluto symbolizes hidden forces, of the depths where they gather and of their ruthless, irresistible or uncontrollable eruptions. Pluto was also in Capricorn in 536 AD, when the Mediterranean froze under a cloud of dust, due to a volcanic eruption in the Southern Hemisphere that brought a nuclear winter to the North. That makes the volcanic eruption in Iceland the other day look quite mild, but it does seem to suggest a pattern.
Then last week (early Aug) the faster planets of the solar system joined the T- square configuration for a few days. Venus, the goddess of love and good fortune, smiled on the situation and BP finally sealed their leak just as Venus joined Saturn. It’s not over yet though. I wonder what the horoscope of BP’s CEO who had to resign looks like?
If Pluto was prominent in his chart, or any of the first few degrees of the Cardinal signs were important (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). That is where it’s all taking place in the zodiac now.
Venus and Mars Tango
Thurs 5 Aug – Wed 18 Aug
Sun in Leo; Mercury in Virgo; Venus in Virgo, Libra 7th ; Mars in Libra; Saturn in Libra
Although Mercury is still well placed in Virgo for rational thinking, discernment and a meticulous approach to life and learning, it is from August 7th, when Venus gracefully enters her own sign of Libra, joining Mars and Saturn there, that we can really capitalize on the opportunity to cultivate that which is nearest and dearest to us all – relationships. Who said money? Although rap artists are adept nowadays at placing the blinging dollar sign up there on the pedestal with the lover, the majority of songs are written about love and relationship. And so it has been throughout history. In the early days several centuries ago it was relationship with the divine of course, but that eventually gave way to mundane relationship here and now with the human beloved as opposed to the spiritual beloved so idolized by Catholic, Sufi and Hindu alike. Basically Venus in her own sign of Libra is facilitating, possibly more than any other placement, the qualities of social harmony, being in love and true marriage. And Mars in Libra at present will make it easier than usual to act with the need for co-operation, diplomacy, discussion and consideration of the other. And it is when we consider the other, place their interests first, or at least on par with our own, that relationship and partnership can really flourish. This is the time when the males of the species, who may have had a bad rap over all the aggressive behaviour of the past, can really shine by showing their social skills and gracefulness when with the fairer sex. It’s just that the genders are hardwired to be different, with men being by nature more aggressive, independent and risk-taking, while women are naturally more empathetic and security-seeking, based on Harvard sociobiology studies.
Overall, at this time the desire for harmony amongst everyone, as well as the distaste for anything unpleasant or ugly, will facilitate a coming together of old connections and the establishing of new ones, so get ready for those dinner parties, business lunches or even a breakfast in bed with your significant other. Of course all relationships work harmoniously when we are in harmony with our inner other halves, when both hemispheres of the brain are sharing ideas, or when we are at peace with our God. With Saturn also in Libra, relationships will be taken more seriously, partnerships will be serious teachers and lessons in maturity and responsibility will come from the field or inter-relationships. There will be demands for balance, justice and fairness. Unfortunately things can sometimes get ugly in the pursuit of beauty, so allow your pursuit of the letter of the law to match the spirit of the matter at hand. Avoid any conflicts by considering the other party in the first place. Win – win or no deal is an ideal to strive for, and tact, diplomacy and good timing are great social skills for keeping the scales balanced with this Libran emphasis. Ultimately the other party is a mirror of yourself and until we realize that there is no division, no us and them, only one family of human beings, actually of all life, we will continue to act as if divided amongst ourselves, when it is ultimately union for which we all strive.
Sun in Leo; Mercury in Virgo; Venus in Virgo, Libra 7th ; Mars in Libra; Saturn in Libra
Although Mercury is still well placed in Virgo for rational thinking, discernment and a meticulous approach to life and learning, it is from August 7th, when Venus gracefully enters her own sign of Libra, joining Mars and Saturn there, that we can really capitalize on the opportunity to cultivate that which is nearest and dearest to us all – relationships. Who said money? Although rap artists are adept nowadays at placing the blinging dollar sign up there on the pedestal with the lover, the majority of songs are written about love and relationship. And so it has been throughout history. In the early days several centuries ago it was relationship with the divine of course, but that eventually gave way to mundane relationship here and now with the human beloved as opposed to the spiritual beloved so idolized by Catholic, Sufi and Hindu alike. Basically Venus in her own sign of Libra is facilitating, possibly more than any other placement, the qualities of social harmony, being in love and true marriage. And Mars in Libra at present will make it easier than usual to act with the need for co-operation, diplomacy, discussion and consideration of the other. And it is when we consider the other, place their interests first, or at least on par with our own, that relationship and partnership can really flourish. This is the time when the males of the species, who may have had a bad rap over all the aggressive behaviour of the past, can really shine by showing their social skills and gracefulness when with the fairer sex. It’s just that the genders are hardwired to be different, with men being by nature more aggressive, independent and risk-taking, while women are naturally more empathetic and security-seeking, based on Harvard sociobiology studies.
Overall, at this time the desire for harmony amongst everyone, as well as the distaste for anything unpleasant or ugly, will facilitate a coming together of old connections and the establishing of new ones, so get ready for those dinner parties, business lunches or even a breakfast in bed with your significant other. Of course all relationships work harmoniously when we are in harmony with our inner other halves, when both hemispheres of the brain are sharing ideas, or when we are at peace with our God. With Saturn also in Libra, relationships will be taken more seriously, partnerships will be serious teachers and lessons in maturity and responsibility will come from the field or inter-relationships. There will be demands for balance, justice and fairness. Unfortunately things can sometimes get ugly in the pursuit of beauty, so allow your pursuit of the letter of the law to match the spirit of the matter at hand. Avoid any conflicts by considering the other party in the first place. Win – win or no deal is an ideal to strive for, and tact, diplomacy and good timing are great social skills for keeping the scales balanced with this Libran emphasis. Ultimately the other party is a mirror of yourself and until we realize that there is no division, no us and them, only one family of human beings, actually of all life, we will continue to act as if divided amongst ourselves, when it is ultimately union for which we all strive.
Relationship arts of Venus
Thurs 8 July – Wed 21 July
Sun in Cancer; Mercury in Leo from 9th: Venus in Virgo from 10th; Mars in Virgo
Total solar eclipse 11 July (new moon 19*30 Cancer) visible over Pacific Ocean
If you thought the partial lunar eclipse of last edition was something to write home about then get ready for the total solar eclipse on the new moon of 11 July. It will be visible over the Pacific Ocean if you want to catch a glimpse. When there is a disruption of the pattern, via an eclipse, the natural flow of the dark/light cycle is temporarily stopped in its tracks. There is darkness where there should be light. It is as if the Laws of our Universe are temporarily inverted, and the world is stood on its head. Granted, this happens somewhere twice a year, to a greater or lesser extent, but compared to the massive numbers of regular daily and lunar cycles, eclipses are fairly rare and therefore significant. So the eclipse becomes much more significant when thought of as a disruption of time. And, similar to sleep deprivation, things can get a little unsettled rather quickly.
The Sun continues to inspire thoughts of home and hearth while in Cancer, and a somewhat moody undertone may persist particularly if the weather is grey. Emotions are stronger now and so is the need to feel protective over them as well as any dependants you may have. Of course with Mercury parading through Leo from the 9th the mind and willpower are strengthened but be careful of a potential stubbornness or dogmatic, opinionated mindset which could spoil your family gatherings. Is it really so important that you be seen as the authority on how to make the topping for the cheesecake? On the other hand, if you need to dramatically or forcefully present your case to the world of the immanent arrival of Planet Nibiru and her extraterrestrial inhabitants, then now is the time to sharpen that quill and pump up that charisma. After all, they too may need an ambassador. They may even have a soccer team. Just don’t be surprised by the pride and boastfulness potentially available if they win a match though. If you usually tend to generalize or forget details, then this current influence of Mercury won’t help either. Unless you are able to harness the influence of Mars and Venus, both in Virgo now. This is also not an ideal time for romance, as the sign of the Virgin inclines Venus to over-analyze emotions and become critical of the near and dear. The emotions may be kept in check as one plays it safe until the object of your affection is exactly what you want. May as well wait for Nibiru at that rate. Fortunately commitment and devotion are available now and the practical needs of the partner will be met. This is a good time to clean up your act by sorting out your files, improving your personal hygiene, neatening your appearance and improving your manners and politeness. Even that alone may turn Venus’ glance in your direction. Mars in Virgo continues to focus more on the job than the relationship, pleasing the boss but not necessarily the partner, unless of course it also means bringing home the bread – probably a gluten-free rye considering Virgo’s penchant for health.
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Thurs 22 July – Wed 4 Aug
Sun Leo 23rd ; Mercury Leo, Virgo 27th ; Venus Virgo; Mars Virgo
When Mercury comes home to his own sign of Virgo on the 27th, precise analytical reasoning becomes easy. And with our goddess of Love and her chaperone, Major General Mars, already present in Virgo, you may find yourself living completely in your head. The cool, clinical approach may bring out your critical side, which is great if you are writing your thesis at campus, but it may leave you appearing somewhat remote and unfeeling. Discernment is a valuable quality to cultivate during this edition. In fact it is available by the bucketful. Thus now is the time to go on a health programme of some sort, or refine your nutritional intake. Just be careful not to worry so much about how sinful your little snack is that you end up unable to eat at all, defeating the very purpose of your regimen – health and happiness; or becoming so self-critical that you forget that as a human being its alright to find yourself being human. “Whose idea was this human form of life anyway? Surely they could have come up with a better, more efficient model” you think to yourself. “I mean look at all these hairs coming out of my nose, and various other orifices, even growing on my toes, for heaven’s sake” your mind mutters. “I can’t go out in public like this.” Fortunately the rest of the public has the same model, give or take a few hairs, so not to worry yourself out of yourself just now. Rather use this time to become well-informed and learned in the various hair removal creams, lotions and techniques, while remembering that the Sun is also at home in his own palace in Leo now, and we all know how lions take great pride in their mane of hairs. Hopefully the Leo warmth, pride and self-dignity will help you to counteract any excessive self-criticism or overly modest tendencies for now. And on the other hand, the potential Leo vanity can be tempered too. This combination could, for example, enable you to very intricately and meticulously create your fine work of art that you have been waiting to show the world. By paying attention to the details and being well-informed, you can feel confident in having the desired effect on others and gaining some respect. The month of Leo can – on a normal day - facilitate romance and creative expression. It’s just that the triple planetary placements in Virgo may be fussy, difficult to please and sometimes downright neurotic, not to mention undemonstrative. Another synthesis of the scenario might facilitate taking a stroll up to the moral high ground, where one can maintain a good view of one’s reputation, sexual hygiene and purity of heart, while at the same time cultivating a modest courtship over a glass of prune juice and parsley. There will be other times in the future when one can get down and dirty, if required. Venus is astrologically considered to be “in its fall” in Virgo because love and beauty simply do not take well to analysis. Fortunately pure and natural love, as well as art or beauty, also has a place in time and this could well be it. And from July 29th Mars is in Libra, joining Saturn there (from the 21st already) to facilitate the most important and absorbing subject to the human race – relationships!
Sun in Cancer; Mercury in Leo from 9th: Venus in Virgo from 10th; Mars in Virgo
Total solar eclipse 11 July (new moon 19*30 Cancer) visible over Pacific Ocean
If you thought the partial lunar eclipse of last edition was something to write home about then get ready for the total solar eclipse on the new moon of 11 July. It will be visible over the Pacific Ocean if you want to catch a glimpse. When there is a disruption of the pattern, via an eclipse, the natural flow of the dark/light cycle is temporarily stopped in its tracks. There is darkness where there should be light. It is as if the Laws of our Universe are temporarily inverted, and the world is stood on its head. Granted, this happens somewhere twice a year, to a greater or lesser extent, but compared to the massive numbers of regular daily and lunar cycles, eclipses are fairly rare and therefore significant. So the eclipse becomes much more significant when thought of as a disruption of time. And, similar to sleep deprivation, things can get a little unsettled rather quickly.
The Sun continues to inspire thoughts of home and hearth while in Cancer, and a somewhat moody undertone may persist particularly if the weather is grey. Emotions are stronger now and so is the need to feel protective over them as well as any dependants you may have. Of course with Mercury parading through Leo from the 9th the mind and willpower are strengthened but be careful of a potential stubbornness or dogmatic, opinionated mindset which could spoil your family gatherings. Is it really so important that you be seen as the authority on how to make the topping for the cheesecake? On the other hand, if you need to dramatically or forcefully present your case to the world of the immanent arrival of Planet Nibiru and her extraterrestrial inhabitants, then now is the time to sharpen that quill and pump up that charisma. After all, they too may need an ambassador. They may even have a soccer team. Just don’t be surprised by the pride and boastfulness potentially available if they win a match though. If you usually tend to generalize or forget details, then this current influence of Mercury won’t help either. Unless you are able to harness the influence of Mars and Venus, both in Virgo now. This is also not an ideal time for romance, as the sign of the Virgin inclines Venus to over-analyze emotions and become critical of the near and dear. The emotions may be kept in check as one plays it safe until the object of your affection is exactly what you want. May as well wait for Nibiru at that rate. Fortunately commitment and devotion are available now and the practical needs of the partner will be met. This is a good time to clean up your act by sorting out your files, improving your personal hygiene, neatening your appearance and improving your manners and politeness. Even that alone may turn Venus’ glance in your direction. Mars in Virgo continues to focus more on the job than the relationship, pleasing the boss but not necessarily the partner, unless of course it also means bringing home the bread – probably a gluten-free rye considering Virgo’s penchant for health.
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Thurs 22 July – Wed 4 Aug
Sun Leo 23rd ; Mercury Leo, Virgo 27th ; Venus Virgo; Mars Virgo
When Mercury comes home to his own sign of Virgo on the 27th, precise analytical reasoning becomes easy. And with our goddess of Love and her chaperone, Major General Mars, already present in Virgo, you may find yourself living completely in your head. The cool, clinical approach may bring out your critical side, which is great if you are writing your thesis at campus, but it may leave you appearing somewhat remote and unfeeling. Discernment is a valuable quality to cultivate during this edition. In fact it is available by the bucketful. Thus now is the time to go on a health programme of some sort, or refine your nutritional intake. Just be careful not to worry so much about how sinful your little snack is that you end up unable to eat at all, defeating the very purpose of your regimen – health and happiness; or becoming so self-critical that you forget that as a human being its alright to find yourself being human. “Whose idea was this human form of life anyway? Surely they could have come up with a better, more efficient model” you think to yourself. “I mean look at all these hairs coming out of my nose, and various other orifices, even growing on my toes, for heaven’s sake” your mind mutters. “I can’t go out in public like this.” Fortunately the rest of the public has the same model, give or take a few hairs, so not to worry yourself out of yourself just now. Rather use this time to become well-informed and learned in the various hair removal creams, lotions and techniques, while remembering that the Sun is also at home in his own palace in Leo now, and we all know how lions take great pride in their mane of hairs. Hopefully the Leo warmth, pride and self-dignity will help you to counteract any excessive self-criticism or overly modest tendencies for now. And on the other hand, the potential Leo vanity can be tempered too. This combination could, for example, enable you to very intricately and meticulously create your fine work of art that you have been waiting to show the world. By paying attention to the details and being well-informed, you can feel confident in having the desired effect on others and gaining some respect. The month of Leo can – on a normal day - facilitate romance and creative expression. It’s just that the triple planetary placements in Virgo may be fussy, difficult to please and sometimes downright neurotic, not to mention undemonstrative. Another synthesis of the scenario might facilitate taking a stroll up to the moral high ground, where one can maintain a good view of one’s reputation, sexual hygiene and purity of heart, while at the same time cultivating a modest courtship over a glass of prune juice and parsley. There will be other times in the future when one can get down and dirty, if required. Venus is astrologically considered to be “in its fall” in Virgo because love and beauty simply do not take well to analysis. Fortunately pure and natural love, as well as art or beauty, also has a place in time and this could well be it. And from July 29th Mars is in Libra, joining Saturn there (from the 21st already) to facilitate the most important and absorbing subject to the human race – relationships!
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