Thurs 5 Aug – Wed 18 Aug
Sun in Leo; Mercury in Virgo; Venus in Virgo, Libra 7th ; Mars in Libra; Saturn in Libra
Although Mercury is still well placed in Virgo for rational thinking, discernment and a meticulous approach to life and learning, it is from August 7th, when Venus gracefully enters her own sign of Libra, joining Mars and Saturn there, that we can really capitalize on the opportunity to cultivate that which is nearest and dearest to us all – relationships. Who said money? Although rap artists are adept nowadays at placing the blinging dollar sign up there on the pedestal with the lover, the majority of songs are written about love and relationship. And so it has been throughout history. In the early days several centuries ago it was relationship with the divine of course, but that eventually gave way to mundane relationship here and now with the human beloved as opposed to the spiritual beloved so idolized by Catholic, Sufi and Hindu alike. Basically Venus in her own sign of Libra is facilitating, possibly more than any other placement, the qualities of social harmony, being in love and true marriage. And Mars in Libra at present will make it easier than usual to act with the need for co-operation, diplomacy, discussion and consideration of the other. And it is when we consider the other, place their interests first, or at least on par with our own, that relationship and partnership can really flourish. This is the time when the males of the species, who may have had a bad rap over all the aggressive behaviour of the past, can really shine by showing their social skills and gracefulness when with the fairer sex. It’s just that the genders are hardwired to be different, with men being by nature more aggressive, independent and risk-taking, while women are naturally more empathetic and security-seeking, based on Harvard sociobiology studies.
Overall, at this time the desire for harmony amongst everyone, as well as the distaste for anything unpleasant or ugly, will facilitate a coming together of old connections and the establishing of new ones, so get ready for those dinner parties, business lunches or even a breakfast in bed with your significant other. Of course all relationships work harmoniously when we are in harmony with our inner other halves, when both hemispheres of the brain are sharing ideas, or when we are at peace with our God. With Saturn also in Libra, relationships will be taken more seriously, partnerships will be serious teachers and lessons in maturity and responsibility will come from the field or inter-relationships. There will be demands for balance, justice and fairness. Unfortunately things can sometimes get ugly in the pursuit of beauty, so allow your pursuit of the letter of the law to match the spirit of the matter at hand. Avoid any conflicts by considering the other party in the first place. Win – win or no deal is an ideal to strive for, and tact, diplomacy and good timing are great social skills for keeping the scales balanced with this Libran emphasis. Ultimately the other party is a mirror of yourself and until we realize that there is no division, no us and them, only one family of human beings, actually of all life, we will continue to act as if divided amongst ourselves, when it is ultimately union for which we all strive.
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