Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Purity is the force

Thurs 2 Sept – Wed 15 September
Sun Virgo; Mercury Virgo (dir 12th); Venus Libra /Scorpio 9th; Mars Libra

With Mercury ending his retrograde movement, a one day window of opportunity arises on Sept 12, the day Mercury is stationery before going forward again. This day is considered very valuable by astrologers for achieving maximum effect in any undertaking. With both the Sun and Mercury still in earthy Virgo, maximum results can be achieved in the fields of health, hygiene, work, employees, duty and daily routine activities on the job. Throughout the entire month of Virgo, but particularly on this day, the process of ‘purification’ is available to us, so if ever you wanted to detox, clean out any clutter, old or outlived patterns and habits, or unwanted attitudes in your life and mind, then this is a good phase for that kind of spring cleaning. Being an earth sign, there is a practical, down to earth mood, where a conscientious, hardworking and organized attitude may be available, with attention to detail if required. Just be careful not to become too fussy, critical, overly analytical or exacting during this period. The urge for perfection may just stifle the spontaneity - or the romance - if we don’t keep an eye on the bigger picture.
Venus is still at her most romantic and aesthetically astute (until the 9th when she slides into sultry Scorpio). Use this opportunity to listen to and understand the feelings of others. These are the last few days to really capitalize on the valuable influence of Venus in Libra to strengthen your relationships or make peace with those who may have become estranged. I’m sure many will agree that interpersonal relationships are the most taxing and challenging, but also the most important department of our lives. With both Venus and Mars in Libra, the mood is to be a lover, not a fighter, and real pleasure will come from bringing pleasure to others. Creating harmony and restoring balance should come easily for a change. The fact that both John Lennon and Elvis Presley had Mars in Libra in their birth charts should indicate the potential currently available to you guys out there for sweet words and smooth, seductive winning ways over your potential beloved. Equality and compromise are certainly secrets to success at present.
One question worth meditating on now is “What is it that constitutes real beauty?” Naturally a pretty face and proportioned body are the traditional gifts of Venus, able to attract all who view them, but such fleeting blessings fade with time and if we over-identify with them, we may well be setting ourselves up for disappointment as we lament their gradual disappearance. With Virgo also prominent now, it is worth realizing that “purity” is an equally powerful attractive force, and one that needn’t fade but can actually grow with time. Not only the purity of the virgin or the infant, or of foodstuffs, water and air, but particularly the saintly soul who can inspire others to emulate that behaviour and rise to greater heights of physical, mental and ultimately spiritual expression… purity of thought, action and motive is a force more attractive and enduring that any shallow, temporary ego-based beauty that advertisers shamelessly flaunt, only confusing the youth and masses as to the real values and priorities in life. “Pure” can be associated with clean, and as it is said, cleanliness is next to godliness.

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