Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mercury Retograde

Thurs 9 Dec – Wed 22 Dec
Sun in Sag; Mercury in Cap R; Venus in Scorpio; Mars in Cap;
A potentially awkward Mercury retrograde is upon us now as we attempt to harness the holiday season – either for some leisure time or for the business boost it can bring. However, if you are normally more comfortable in your right-brain or intuitive mode, you will tend to feel more at home during the current three weeks of Mercury retrograde. For these people, this may feel more like the vacation down time that it is, than the struggle to capitalize. If you were initially hoping to do your entire years’ trading in just one month, then get ready to take it slow and be a little more prepared than usual and stay focused as best you can. You will benefit if you took the precautionary measures of ordering all your season’s stock already, as well as your festive shopping, for from now on delays in delivery can be expected across the board. Be open to rethinking decisions, opinions, ideas, plans and interactions from the past that you thought were finished, as it may be time to work with these at a deeper level. Don't be surprised if you hear from some old salt you haven't been in contact with for a while, or if you find yourself revisiting an old situation, perhaps seeing it now with fresh eyes. Certainly business and career decisions and goals may need rethinking. New plans may only really find the ability to take off in the new year. Besides that, governments and long-standing institutions may be affected by the retrograde in earthy Capricorn, as well as our own personal or business foundation, self-image or status in society. You may want to use the introspective retro phase to ask how you can be more powerful, effective or resourceful; how you can assure your reputation and market security. When Mercury slips back into Sagittarius on the 18th, you can re-evaluate your ethical standards and gain renewed optimism for your ideas. The masses are becoming educated and it is no longer possible to fool them with low standard, unhealthy products simply by using glamourous and glitzy advertising gimmicks. Big business – be it pharmaceuticals or foodstuffs – need to question their ethics regarding the value of the buck versus the human being. Are they still so ruthlessly able to rake in the dollars at the expense of the well-being of the masses? Don’t let the festive urge to go large hit you in the waistline when it’s looking like obesity and overweight conditions are overtaking depression as the new upcoming social disease of the modern age, whether in the States or South Africa.

Now with Mars also in Capricorn a hard-working and determined energy will be available, all channeled into the arena of personal attainment, so find a way to work on what will benefit you personally, even if you are obliged to work within a greater corporate structure. Career takes a greater priority and common sense combined with managerial skills are up for grabs – just in time to counter the potentially awkward retrograde of Mercury. Don’t worry if a conservative, skeptical mood slips into the proceedings. For now even the holiday by the sea can be taken seriously and old, tried and tested habits may currently appear to be the good ones.

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