Friday, November 11, 2011

Love under the microscope

9 Sept – 22 Sept 2011
Sun in Virgo; Mercury in Virgo; Venus in Virgo/Libra 15th; Mars in Cancer/Leo 19th

 With the Sun, Mercury and Venus (until the 15th) still in transit through Virgo, the mental faculties will be sharpened, making this a fine time to attend to the details in an orderly and business-like manner. Common sense may inspire you to read the small print on your box of breakfast or dinner snacks, not only causing you to pull out the sharp inner calculator to compare the price per rice grain, but also to weigh up the nutritional value of each rice grain and compare it to the nutritional value of every other grain to see if you need those extra thousand grains on your plate and what the most efficient amount of grains might be per liter of water for optimum cooking time according to the angle of the sun on your solar cooker at your degree of latitude north or south of the equator. That done, you may just find yourself settling for a salad instead. The tendency to lack confidence in your rice cooking, which sends you checking and rechecking every measurement, can possibly get in the way of a spontaneous and creatively inspired culinary delight now. Nevertheless, the dish will be a precision production when it’s finished with exactly the right amount of grains per body weight for your liking. Now imagine this discriminating state of mind also predominating in your relationships or love life. The likelihood is that you may be so preoccupied with work or duty, that you don’t even have time to cultivate that intimate relationship, and if you do finally manage to pull yourself away from the job and happen to catch the eye of a prospective partner across the crowded office (for that is where a potential love interest could manifest now), chances are that he or she has little chance of measuring up to your scrutinizing standards. This leaves you looking either shy, nit-picking, or preoccupied, when in fact you are just being super cautious. Playing it safe is the motto of the month now, as in “let me abstain to avoid the pain”, regardless of where you wish to apply this rule. After all he or she just may not quite match up to that internal anima or god/dess figure you have on a pedestal. But then who ever does?

Well, if you don’t find yourself retreating to a monastery to contemplate the perfect deity of Radharani as the love of your life, then when Venus shifts into her own sign of Libra on the 15th you may finally have a mood swing that feels as if someone slipped an Ecstacy into your glass of purified mineral water, as suddenly love is not only in the air, but on the lips of every passing stranger. And by the 19th, when Mars moves into equally romantic Leo, the tension that builds between the fastidious versus the flirtatious propensities may build to such a climactic conflagration that the chances of finding that perfect dream mate may well rise to the region of anywhere between 1.61803 and 3.14159, so be prepared.

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