Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Who eclipsed your consciousness?

Fri 18 Nov – Thurs 1 Dec 2011
Sun in Scorpio/sag 22nd; Mercury in Sag (R 24th); Venus in Sag/Cap 26th; Mars in Virgo.

On the 22nd when the Sun joins Mercury (going retrograde on the 24th) and Venus in Sagittarius, we shall have all our primary planets from the Sun to Mars in mutable signs. These are the planets that move the fastest and thus change signs rapidly, thereby indicating the predominating trends and mood of the day. Jupiter spends a whole year and Saturn up to 2.5 years in one sign. The Moon of course changes signs so quickly – every 2.5 days – that its influence is fleeting, though not to be underestimated; just not mentionable in a forecast such as this. Except, for example, when there may be an eclipse, like the solar eclipse on the new moon of the 25th; curiously only really visible from my place on the southern coast of South Africa if you want to pop round for the breakfast show just after 08h00 local time; or you can catch it in New Zealand too. Although only a partial eclipse of 87%, it is the largest or brightest this year.

How amazing is it that eclipses even occur at all. The Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon, and the Moon is 400 times closer to Earth than the Sun, this means that the two effects cancel each other out with the Moon and Sun both appearing to have the same apparent size in the sky. They therefore look the same size to a viewer observing from Earth’s surface. So when there is an alignment during a solar eclipse, the Moon fits exactly over the Sun, blocking all sunlight while still allowing the beautiful corona to be observed. Now if this precise degree of ratio and proportion all happened by accident or coincidence then I’ll eat my ice cream cone. It seems more likely to me that the Great Consciousness behind it all, of whom we are all part and parcel, was being quite deliberate in this cosmic manifestation. And these are precisely the topics of focus during the current Sagittarian alignment of planets – topics of vast, expansive, universal or cosmological import. Sure, the Sagittarian theme is currently potentially more fired up, festive and fun-loving than the previous rather introverted, intense or introspective Scorpio flavour, but it is also a perfect time to raise the ceiling, explore the vast outer realms of space and it’s origins, as well our place in the grand scheme of things. Thinking big, going large and expanding the realms are all possible now. After all, the precise relationship between us and our satellite Luna are extremely rare. Most planets have much smaller moons, so the fact that ours is just the right size and distance between the Sun and us to create an eclipse which is occasionally so exact that the one heavenly body is totally hidden from our sight, practically to the millimeter (from our point of view) makes you think that someone was behind it, someone with a sense of humour, or at least an artistic flair. The chances of it being pure blind accident are about the same as if all the monkeys in the world, given all the time and all the laptops, were able to come out with Shakespeare’s complete works. They could, but the chances of it are infinitesimal. And this unique manifestation of precision and proportion between the Sun, Moon and Earth is only one of countless other manifestations of such harmony, beauty and life-supporting precision that anyone who still can’t comprehend the notion of Consciousness being at the root of it all, must be quite dull. Lets forget about the numerous concepts of God presented throughout the pages of history and just refer to the source as Consciousness, leaving the details until later, or to poets and mystics, and already we will have to rethink life, the universe and everything. Think about it.  

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