Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mercury Retograde

Thurs 9 Dec – Wed 22 Dec
Sun in Sag; Mercury in Cap R; Venus in Scorpio; Mars in Cap;
A potentially awkward Mercury retrograde is upon us now as we attempt to harness the holiday season – either for some leisure time or for the business boost it can bring. However, if you are normally more comfortable in your right-brain or intuitive mode, you will tend to feel more at home during the current three weeks of Mercury retrograde. For these people, this may feel more like the vacation down time that it is, than the struggle to capitalize. If you were initially hoping to do your entire years’ trading in just one month, then get ready to take it slow and be a little more prepared than usual and stay focused as best you can. You will benefit if you took the precautionary measures of ordering all your season’s stock already, as well as your festive shopping, for from now on delays in delivery can be expected across the board. Be open to rethinking decisions, opinions, ideas, plans and interactions from the past that you thought were finished, as it may be time to work with these at a deeper level. Don't be surprised if you hear from some old salt you haven't been in contact with for a while, or if you find yourself revisiting an old situation, perhaps seeing it now with fresh eyes. Certainly business and career decisions and goals may need rethinking. New plans may only really find the ability to take off in the new year. Besides that, governments and long-standing institutions may be affected by the retrograde in earthy Capricorn, as well as our own personal or business foundation, self-image or status in society. You may want to use the introspective retro phase to ask how you can be more powerful, effective or resourceful; how you can assure your reputation and market security. When Mercury slips back into Sagittarius on the 18th, you can re-evaluate your ethical standards and gain renewed optimism for your ideas. The masses are becoming educated and it is no longer possible to fool them with low standard, unhealthy products simply by using glamourous and glitzy advertising gimmicks. Big business – be it pharmaceuticals or foodstuffs – need to question their ethics regarding the value of the buck versus the human being. Are they still so ruthlessly able to rake in the dollars at the expense of the well-being of the masses? Don’t let the festive urge to go large hit you in the waistline when it’s looking like obesity and overweight conditions are overtaking depression as the new upcoming social disease of the modern age, whether in the States or South Africa.

Now with Mars also in Capricorn a hard-working and determined energy will be available, all channeled into the arena of personal attainment, so find a way to work on what will benefit you personally, even if you are obliged to work within a greater corporate structure. Career takes a greater priority and common sense combined with managerial skills are up for grabs – just in time to counter the potentially awkward retrograde of Mercury. Don’t worry if a conservative, skeptical mood slips into the proceedings. For now even the holiday by the sea can be taken seriously and old, tried and tested habits may currently appear to be the good ones.

By Jove

Thurs 25 Nov – Wed 8 Dec
Sun in Sag; Mercury in Sag/Cap 1 Dec; Venus in Libra/Scorpio 30 Nov; Mars in Sag

The melancholy can smile as our Sun moves into one of the more idealistic and optimistic signs for the next month. Ruled by Jupiter, (also known as Jove, from where the word “jovial” arises) this fired up sign of the archer is known to stimulate the spirit of generosity and cheerfulness. Accompanied there by Mars throughout this edition and Mercury until December 1, the Sun should stimulate an aptitude for seeing the bigger picture, painted in broad, sweeping strokes from a palette of warm sunny hues. Take this into consideration if you ever need to present your art to critics with more of an eye for detail. The Impressionists and Fauves have their place too, though the Realists may not see it that way. Not everyone has the depth perspective needed to accommodate such wild horses as may now wish to rear their heads now. Half horse himself, the frisky Sagittarius archetype needs lots of space to roam. He shoots his arrow toward ever-new physical or metaphysical horizons, so whatever your style, enthusiasm and spontaneity should certainly be more available than restraint now, although when Mercury moves into Capricorn in December, the tendency may be for the mind to become more cautious and methodical, with a capacity for a slower, step by step approach. This may be just what is needed to balance all the scattered ideas of before. Every absent-minded professor needs an organized secretary to edit his papers and remind him of the rest of the world’s tendency to go by the clock. By December she should be on the ball, organizing the outdoor trips, going according to the budget and helping him get his foot out of his mouth or his account out of overdraft due to any careless enthusiasm and blind optimism incurred under the archer’s influence.

Sports and outdoor adventures are still favoured now under this extroverted influence, as well as the call of greener pastures and new vistas. Remember though that the grass may look greener on the other side, but you still have your own conditioned mind, perspective, paradigm and assemblage point to deal with when you get here. Inner shifts are often more meaningful, valuable and profound, helping you to realize just how green your grass has been all along.

Let’s also remember that by the end of November our goddess Venus returns to sultry Scorpio and may wish to wear her tinier than ever polka dot number which, when assisted by all the horse power of the other planets may well need a night out on the town or around a candle-lit dinner by the fire. One way or the other, the sensual side you never knew you had may need room for expression too. Regardless of the emotional depths or heights you are urged to, you can still maintain your dignity and pride under this influence. Just be prepared for a more emotionally rich ride on this bucking bronco for the need to roam will be in synergy with the need for emotional control and with that combination who knows how far you may be taken if you just allow yourself.

Horsing around

Thurs 11 Nov – Wed 24 Nov

Sun in Scorpio; Mercury in Sagittarius; Venus in Libra (dir 18th); Mars in Sag

As with last edition, Mars continues to trot his cavalry through horsy Sagittarius, also joined by Mercury in this extroverted fire sign. This makes for a somewhat contrary combination as the predominating Scorpio theme favours a secretive and private mood, while at the same time Mercury, now inspired by his jaunt through the sign of the archer shooting his arrow ever higher toward newly discovered expansive vistas, urges the mind and tongue to find the nearest soap box or inbox to expound his latest realizations on the immanent arrival of the Lizard King and his entourage from you-know-where with their power to save our planet via his new wonder cure for home-sickness. The evangelical urge may suddenly swell. The only dilemma is that in Sagittarius, Mercury may naively or innocently want to say exactly what is on his mind, with little concern for reality, or the potentially sensitive Scorpio feelings of others. The ability to wax to the max may grab you by the tongue but let’s just hope the Scorpio capacity to research the facts has balanced that wonderful imagination. It’s all very well deciding the truth needs a little improving, particularly if you are a storyteller, though not if you are involved in science. It may be necessary to take extra time over the details of your information before publishing. Tertiary academics are favoured now though, particularly broad, expansive subjects beyond the everyday, like philosophy, foreign affairs or even space travel, whether by Merkaba or missile. Add to all this the drive of Mars and you have the recipe for such strongly held convictions that you had better be armed with facts and references if you want to promote your angle or defend your stance from the queue of Witnesses at your door. Even the law courts will be a fine place to battle it out now, as the urge for and sense of justice is sharpened. Outspoken debate over the rights and plights of your cause are inevitable. As to whether your cause is the cause of all causes may never be known, of course. Just don’t expect too much diplomacy or appreciation of the opponent’s opinions now.

On a purely physical level energies could be high with the need to move and explore, so take time to jog off that excess energy on the park or pitch. Fortunately the mood of Sagittarius is generally quite jovial and fun-loving, so despite the capacity for philosophical challenge, the smile may remain as you are tossed to the ground by a judo throw of black belt proportions. Reckless confidence and exuberant optimism may even surge like an annual spring tide (if the Scorpio Sun will allow). You may feel as if you were born under a wandering star called Venus, finally ending her retrograde on the 17th and going direct on the 18th. Just don’t expect to be able to tie yourself or anyone else to the desk just now, and avoid the casinos! The adventurous, freedom-loving spirit is too strong for that, so rather schedule a trip of your choice and pack your dancing shoes, for at this rate where you’re going every step is a dance and every word is a joke.