Friday, June 25, 2010

Lunar Eclipse and the Cardinal Grand Square

Thurs 24 June – Wed 7 July 2010
Solar and lunar eclipses are fairly standard occurrences a couple of times every year. However, the partial lunar eclipse on the full Moon of 26 June is proving to be quite a lineup as five other planets also jostle for a rare opportunity to be involved in a configuration known as a cardinal grand cross. Mercury joins the Sun in Cancer on the one hand, while in opposition we have the Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Then at right angles to them, we have Saturn on the one hand opposing Jupiter and Uranus on the other. So the two arms of the cross lie at right angles to each other, with all the planets mentioned locked in a challenging and tension-filled configuration. Except for the Moon, which moves much faster then the rest through the zodiac, these planets will remain locked in this configuration for a few days. Naturally the peak is on the full Moon of the 26th around lunch time local time. Being a partial eclipse, the only countries to get a good view thereof will be North and South America, China, India and South-east Asia. Despite the traditionally inauspicious astrological interpretation of eclipses, you won’t have to hide under your bed if you don’t want to, or fast or lock up shop for that matter (although they may well be doing that in India). However, challenges are to be expected, particularly between Sun and Mercury in Cancer inclining the tendency toward home, family and other nurturing activities in private, while juxtaposing them in the opposite sign of Capricorn, the Moon and Pluto are instinctively, habitually and compulsively pulling us toward career, the job and other public issues, perhaps involving reputation or status. Then on the second arm of the grand cross we have Saturn compelling us toward duty, obligation and the restrictions accompanying that, while directly in opposition Jupiter and Uranus call us to break free, express our independence and broaden our horizons. Trying to juggle all those impulses simultaneously is like trying to blow your own vuvuzela without disturbing your neighbour, or trying to sneak off work to take your son to the world cup soccer match without your boss finding out. Since this configuration of planets occurs in the early stages of the cardinal signs (around the 4th degree), the people who may feel this influence most strongly are those born from about the 21st to the 26th of Dec (Capricorn), March (Aries), June (Cancer) or September (Libra).

Besides that, with Sun and Mercury in watery Cancer this edition, following the intuition will be easier, though objective thinking may take second place to deep-seated instinctive emotional responses to any situation. A sudden inexplicable urge for Mother’s homemade treat from your early childhood may drive you into the kitchen, and in fact this would be the best time to reconnect with estranged parents, or anyone from your past who you once considered family.

Astrology since the Golden Dawn of Time

From ancient times the sky has been divided up in groups of stars that were given names, relating to myths and legends. The most important of these are the 12 constellations situated in the zodiac. Possibly originating with the Chaldeans and Sumerians, the zodiac was adopted by the Greeks, Romans and Indians thousands of years ago and although in no way scientifically exact, the myths surrounding the archetypal images of the zodiac have become instilled in the collective unconscious of humanity ever since. Jung laid bare the connection between psychology, spirituality and mythical symbolism. Through comprehension of the archetypical world we can begin to understand the way the core impulses of the psyche manifest themselves through humanity. Personalities found in archetypes are shaped by the collective human transcendent experience. They have existed from the earliest record of human history. In his Collected Works, Jung says: “The collective unconscious appears to consist of mythological images… In fact, the whole of mythology could be taken as a sort of projection of the collective unconscious. We can see this clearly if we look at the heavenly constellations, whose originally chaotic forms were organized through the projection of images… These influences are unconscious introspective perceptions of the activity of the collective unconscious.” So does that mean astrology is something like dream interpretation? Maybe, and if it gives your life meaning then it has psychological value, just like religion for that matter.

With the story of the zodiac and the significance of the names of the various personalities found in the different constellations, we should be able to retrace the history of mankind. Nearly all the mythology of Greece and Rome may be traced in star groups. Nearly every religion in the world shows traces of astrological influences and nearly all the races of the earth grouped the stars into constellations and often saw figures that were often amazingly similar to others of distant cultures.
The problem with modern astrology, popularized by Linda Goodman in the seventies, is that most people are aware of only one aspect of the horoscope, namely the zodiac position of the Sun at their birth, and thus see astrology as a broad generalization too shallow to encompass the entire range of individual personality types that exist. A deeper investigation will reveal that the position of the Moon and all the planets also needs to be considered when interpreting the personality of an individual as based on their horoscope.

Mercury blows the ball into the net

Thurs 10 June – Wed 23 June
The Sun in the air sign of Gemini greatly facilitates communication, wind instruments and learning new subjects or new words. Here’s a new word for the English language: vuvuzela. It’s a noun and describes a monotonous trumpet-like object whose sound can transport you to the temples of Tibet or the path of an approaching ocean liner, depending on whether your team has won or not; popularized by South Africans at the 2010 World Cup soccer. Gemini rules the lungs but not the dribble, so keep the dribble on the ball and off your fellow spectators’ shoulders if you have to blow your vuvuzela ad nauseum during any of the matches. It may tend to run out the front of your vuvuzela if you’re not careful, and though the Sun in Gemini greatly favours meeting the neighbours, there must be better ways than blowing your own trumpet into his or her ear while simultaneously salivating like a St. Bernard. The current world footballer of the year – Lionel Messi from Argentina – is a Gemini, so perhaps he will be blessed by the Winged Messenger, also coincidentally in the sign of Gemini this edition. Just in time to facilitate dexterous ball-juggling by the meistros of the beautiful game.
Besides that we will all benefit from a boost of speed in all thought and communication while the Sun and Mercury whiz through Gemini, the latter taking exactly two weeks to transit the entire sign. Speech, writing, brainstorming, and all forms of media will feel the boost in bandwidth, so check your breaks incase the pace leaves you slipping up or scatterbrained. The mind may become restless, distracted and difficult to focus, but you can make plenty of contacts and network many new ideas with those on the same page as you.
With Venus leaving Cancer by the 14th feelings won’t be as sensitive but nor will they be as kind hearted or sympathetic either as relationships move from a nurturing, mothering mood to one of social pride in our partner and a flashier need for shows of affection. Although Mars is now in dutiful Virgo and will want to put all his energy into his work and possibly his workout too, so that he looks and feels fit and healthy, Leonine Venus will still want to have fun and feel good by having a little something romantic on the side. Let’s hope you have time for all this in your busy schedule, what with all those soccer matches demanding your attention too. You won’t be able to blame Venus for feeling a bit jealous as she has to compete with the footballers for your attention. Make sure you leave enough time after all the daily demands to lavish your attention on a potential loved one. Venus is at one of her most romantic and ardent times now, so it would be a pity to lose the opportunity just because Mars is feeling more dedicated to his work or feeling rather critical, exacting or even severe as his perfectionist tendencies rear their puritanical heads. If you find any nervous habits, odd ailments or irritability manifesting, it means you are probably over-analyzing life and getting too caught up in your work and getting it done correctly now, and forgetting to take time to wine and dine your better half. Just because the winter solstice of June 21 is a time of extremes, it doesn’t mean you can’t still use the Gemini influence to multi-task or have your fingers in more than just one pie.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cosmic Gravity plays soccer with Planet Earth

Am I ready for the World Cup in my country? If you’re in Plett it doesn’t matter because the World Cup probably won’t even filter down to Robberg beach. It will probably wash up against the shores of Knysna Heads with flair. That’s if Iceland’s main export doesn’t start spewing into the air and blocking half the flights to the World Cup – the European half. And that includes players. I wonder what the stats are of it happening? Curiously there is talk of a major planetary configuration taking place throughout the duration of the football and beyond, with peak dates at the full moon on the 26th of June and again afterwards at the end of July. The first sees the partial Lunar eclipse lining up the Sun, Moon and Mercury with a tense and tight t-square between Pluto on the one hand and Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus on the other. That means seven of the ten main bodies inhabiting our solar system are involved in a multiple grand cross. And it turns out that two researchers were able to reasonably accurately predict the time and geographic location of the Sumatra Earthquake, using astronomical data about the larger planets in our solar system. This lead to the conclusion that distance and angular relation of the solar system is in fact part of what triggers earthquakes, once again showing how interlinked we are with cosmos. Wow; if it can cause an earthquake, what are the chances it can disrupt a volcano? Luckily the players will be here by then. In which case the Garden Route can treat the visitors to a hospitable stay and maybe even get a few autographs. May fetch something on ebay. Either way the World Cup can be a valuable experience for all involved. If you don’t want to be involved, there’s always Plett.
And according to some physicists at a university in Paris there is a connection between the Earth’s changing shape and the gravitational effects of other bodies in the solar system, particularly Jupiter and Saturn, who both dwarf us. Which makes it possible that, with enough of a pull to shift the Earth’s plates, volcanic activity could well be stimulated. The planets involved are all at 90 degree or 180 degree angles to each other - give or take three degrees - creating what is considered a challenging or tension-filled relationship between the planets involved. At least we are clear of the volcanic fallout here in the southern hemisphere, but the t-square affects all of us, particularly those born around the first few days of any of the cardinal signs, namely Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. As for the second peak of this extended t-square aspect, that occurs at the end of July and I’ll mention more about it then.

The Great Leap Forward for Jupiter and Uranus

Thurs 27 May – Wed 9 June
This is the last fortnight of Mars’ extended stay in Leo so get it while it’s hot. By June 6th he will be in cool and dutiful Virgo. While still on this side of the cusp though, Mars favours the sensational and dramatic approach, and therefore also requires our respect for those who wish to aggrandize themselves. Those of you who tend toward depression have immunity until the Mars shift into Virgo, so enjoy it and entrench it as a new paradigm to keep you chirpy during any future potentially moody times.
Also taking place on June 6th at a planet near you is Jovial Jupiter’s brief sneak preview into Aries for three months, after which he returns to his main attraction as a star in Pisces for the rest of the year. Jupiter’s position in the zodiac reveals to us where we can grow, expand or get lucky and in the sensitive water sign of Pisces, the intuition and imagination are fields of opportunity for us, along with the charitable concern for the underdog. Sounds paradoxical, I know, but the motivation to give brings more benefit this year than the desire to get. Ideally we can rise above pettiness and see the bigger picture - that we are all actors in this big screen blockbuster called Life on Earth and by thinking globally and acting locally we can play our part throughout our seven ages. Then when it’s time to drop the mask we can return to being our selves knowing the show will go on. At the rate we are going now, we are likely to bring the house down sooner than expected. But let’s not go there. We don’t all have to clean up the spilt oil, though we can all become conscious of how much oil our carbon footprint demands and how sustainable it actually is. As the Bard says, “This wide and universal theatre presents more woeful pageants than the scene we play in.”
As for Jupiter’s taste of Aries fast approaching, we can expect an expansion of all things related to that sign. So there will be an abundant supply of hats. After all, Aries rules the head. Even hair products could get a boost. Jokes aside though, during the past 60 years Jupiter has transited Aries five times. Four out of the past five times the Stock Market has gone up. Expansive enthusiasm may arise though this is only a three month phase remember. During this time individual creativity is favoured as Aries rewards the inventor, so we could see a rise in new sources of energy, like home-made electricity. This is especially true when Jupiter conjuncts Uranus - also on the 6th of June coincidentally – for a few days. With all eyes on Uranus, also just testing the Aries waters for three months before retreating to Pisces until next year, sudden new ideas can emerge like a bolt from the blue and radical change will not be surprising either. Another thing that will push things forward again is the long awaited end of Saturn’s retrograde around the start of June. At last the wheels of industry can roll out and deliver on their promises, while new projects can be started with confidence. Not a moment too soon either; I can hear those World Cup soccer fans beating a path here already.
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