Thurs 29 April – Wed 12 May
Ah, the titillating tastes of the Sun in Taurus may well continue to allure, as we find ourselves enhanced by the acquisition of possessions and can’t help but identify with these outer trappings and the security they bring. However, with Mercury still knee high in the bull manure, too much focus on the maximization of gain and of enjoyment can have the opposite effect. Disruptions or communication breakdown in diplomacy, the arts and the pursuit of money, possessions and pleasure are possible, so pay close attention when those highlights go in at the salon or the work goes up on the gallery walls. Even modern art can get lost in translation. To put it another way, Mercury retro in Taurus brings stubborn blockages connected with new ideas, powers of concentration and putting ideas into a practical format. Access to the most direct route to your goals is likely to be blocked by breakdowns in communication and unwillingness to compromise. Pay close attention to what you say and communicate in general, particularly around the days of Mercury's station on May 11th. If you are itching to argue with someone, especially, or if you are planning on "signing on the dotted line", try to hold off. It is possible that you may have a change of mind once the station passes, so you can avoid some damage in the meantime. People don't say what they mean, or mean what they say! Some people are more sensitive to Mercury retrograde cycles than others. Mercury-ruled Gemini and Virgo are likely to be particularly sensitive to the effects in general. This applies to anyone who has a number of planets in either sign.
Pushy Mars in an equally fixed (read autocratic) sign of Leo is not going to find it easy holding back either now. Confidence is increased, so the urge to make a showy and physical go of it may urgently demand expression. If only the World Cup was already on. Going for goal will come naturally now, especially on a grand stage. Maybe you can find your own trophy to attain, your own holy grail, something you can show the world and thereby inspire them to also take up the challenge to shine like gold. Just be careful not to overdo it or throw your weight around too much, unless of course you’re worth the weight.
Now with Venus also in flirty Gemini, the mood may well be incredibly social and highly inquisitive so use your wit and charm to make new friends and influence people. Being a mutable (read changeable) air sign, Gemini will facilitate the need for variety in your social scene. If ever you needed to know how to juggle your acts, then now is the time.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Mercury retrograde so stop and smell the roses
Thurs 15 April - Wed 28 April
With the Sun still in impulsive Aries until April 20th and our goddess Venus back at home in Taurus until the 25th , you definitely want to count to ten before pulling out that credit card and investing in something you may later regret, even if it has all the latest tweeters and whoofers built in for your listening pleasure. When the mischievous magician Mercury begins his three week retrograde motion on April 18th you may find yourself re-evaluating and even returning the very item you so lavishly invested in just days before. While Mars is continuing through noble Leo, you may even be acting under a mood of heartfelt generosity and spending on your sons or lovers. Nevertheless, the earthy placing of Mercury in Taurus should hopefully add thoughtfulness to the equation, balancing out the Aries tendency to leap before you look.
Of course for those brief few days from the 20th to the 25th when the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in tolerant Taurus, the pace of things will be at its slowest, possibly a good thing as it allows us time to ruminate and reflect with caution on the issues at hand. Thereafter the Sun continues his languid meander through the meadows of the Bull, accompanied by Mr. Mercury, now in retrograde remember, implying a seemingly slower pace than before. However, what Mercury is doing by walking backwards is that he is looking back and reviewing past events with the idea of refining and refurbishing them so as to actually be more efficient in future, even if it seems counter-productive at present. Therefore any delays that may crop up are only there to facilitate future expediency, like a good highway construction crew. Fortunately, when in the sign of Taurus, Mercury is going to ensure that the workmanship is of higher quality than usual. In fact throughout his sojourn through Taurus, craftsmanship, carpentry, building or construction efforts are all greatly favoured and improved, even if the retro fit brings delays with it. Even your entire value system may come up for review as value for money competes with style and prestige in the maintenance and development of your city of nine gates.
For your personal horoscope email
With the Sun still in impulsive Aries until April 20th and our goddess Venus back at home in Taurus until the 25th , you definitely want to count to ten before pulling out that credit card and investing in something you may later regret, even if it has all the latest tweeters and whoofers built in for your listening pleasure. When the mischievous magician Mercury begins his three week retrograde motion on April 18th you may find yourself re-evaluating and even returning the very item you so lavishly invested in just days before. While Mars is continuing through noble Leo, you may even be acting under a mood of heartfelt generosity and spending on your sons or lovers. Nevertheless, the earthy placing of Mercury in Taurus should hopefully add thoughtfulness to the equation, balancing out the Aries tendency to leap before you look.
Of course for those brief few days from the 20th to the 25th when the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in tolerant Taurus, the pace of things will be at its slowest, possibly a good thing as it allows us time to ruminate and reflect with caution on the issues at hand. Thereafter the Sun continues his languid meander through the meadows of the Bull, accompanied by Mr. Mercury, now in retrograde remember, implying a seemingly slower pace than before. However, what Mercury is doing by walking backwards is that he is looking back and reviewing past events with the idea of refining and refurbishing them so as to actually be more efficient in future, even if it seems counter-productive at present. Therefore any delays that may crop up are only there to facilitate future expediency, like a good highway construction crew. Fortunately, when in the sign of Taurus, Mercury is going to ensure that the workmanship is of higher quality than usual. In fact throughout his sojourn through Taurus, craftsmanship, carpentry, building or construction efforts are all greatly favoured and improved, even if the retro fit brings delays with it. Even your entire value system may come up for review as value for money competes with style and prestige in the maintenance and development of your city of nine gates.
For your personal horoscope email
Easter and the pagan fertility festival
Thurs 1 April – Wed 14 April
With Mercury and Venus both strolling through earthy and sensual Taurus at present, don’t be surprised if you find yourself unable to resist the indulgent delicacies on offer at the Easter celebrations this year. Venus is in her own sign when in Taurus and thus more than ever able to facilitate enjoyment of the five senses. Even though eggs and bunnies are actually a carry-over from the pre-Christian pagan fertility festival that used to occur at this time of the year, who can resist them when they appear in their chocolate incarnations, with such colourful new wrappings? In this way symbols from our ancient past still permeate our present collective consciousness without being questioned, even though it is quite obvious that they have nothing to do with the current religious ideologies. And God forbid that I should be indulging in pagan imagery when I get home from church on Easter Sunday. Fortunately Venus in Taurus greatly facilitates fertility or anything earthy or related to Nature, whether as Gaia or any other goddess. So this is an ideal time to tune in to the beauty of nature, appreciate more natural products as well as reflect on the need to go green and protect Mother earth from exploitation, while at the same time providing our bodies with the healthiest care. Of course this should be our focus all the time and not just this fortnight, but with Venus so well placed to facilitate this focus, we can use the opportunity to realign ourselves with this theme. Otherwise the urge to indulge the senses, which is also strengthened now, may find us succumbing to the demands of the tongue. Obviously this is also a great time to hear or play fine music, do any interior decorating, landscaping or any other activity that requires an aesthetically refined touch. Creature comforts and beautiful surroundings are the order of the day, and may leave you feeling frustrated if you are roughing it in some concrete jungle somewhere.
With Mercury also in stable Taurus now, the mind will need time to ponder and chew things over, with tastes tending toward the traditional. This is not the time to try to convince someone to change their minds about anything, and even if they like your ideas, they will need plenty of time to form an opinion. Just make sure it is based on sound practical advice or common sense if you want to appeal at all. Hopefully the tendency to be realistic, to the point of conservative, will prevent any lavish spending urges when the senses are attracted by some glittering must-have luxury item. It all depends on your individual value systems, which may also come up for questioning under this influence.
For your personal horoscope contact
With Mercury and Venus both strolling through earthy and sensual Taurus at present, don’t be surprised if you find yourself unable to resist the indulgent delicacies on offer at the Easter celebrations this year. Venus is in her own sign when in Taurus and thus more than ever able to facilitate enjoyment of the five senses. Even though eggs and bunnies are actually a carry-over from the pre-Christian pagan fertility festival that used to occur at this time of the year, who can resist them when they appear in their chocolate incarnations, with such colourful new wrappings? In this way symbols from our ancient past still permeate our present collective consciousness without being questioned, even though it is quite obvious that they have nothing to do with the current religious ideologies. And God forbid that I should be indulging in pagan imagery when I get home from church on Easter Sunday. Fortunately Venus in Taurus greatly facilitates fertility or anything earthy or related to Nature, whether as Gaia or any other goddess. So this is an ideal time to tune in to the beauty of nature, appreciate more natural products as well as reflect on the need to go green and protect Mother earth from exploitation, while at the same time providing our bodies with the healthiest care. Of course this should be our focus all the time and not just this fortnight, but with Venus so well placed to facilitate this focus, we can use the opportunity to realign ourselves with this theme. Otherwise the urge to indulge the senses, which is also strengthened now, may find us succumbing to the demands of the tongue. Obviously this is also a great time to hear or play fine music, do any interior decorating, landscaping or any other activity that requires an aesthetically refined touch. Creature comforts and beautiful surroundings are the order of the day, and may leave you feeling frustrated if you are roughing it in some concrete jungle somewhere.
With Mercury also in stable Taurus now, the mind will need time to ponder and chew things over, with tastes tending toward the traditional. This is not the time to try to convince someone to change their minds about anything, and even if they like your ideas, they will need plenty of time to form an opinion. Just make sure it is based on sound practical advice or common sense if you want to appeal at all. Hopefully the tendency to be realistic, to the point of conservative, will prevent any lavish spending urges when the senses are attracted by some glittering must-have luxury item. It all depends on your individual value systems, which may also come up for questioning under this influence.
For your personal horoscope contact
The fire of Aries
Thurs 18 March – Wed 31 March
As with last edition, Venus continues through Aries, but this time she is joined there by Mercury and on 21 March the Sun. That means, with Mars still in Leo, that it’s “Fire all the way” when considering the influence of our closest movers and shakers in the solar system. If Venus in Aries was forward last edition, then this time should be even more so. The favourable fire correspondence between the personal planets will allow them to all be talking the same language on the same page and in the same direction, so to speak. This will be an ego-boosting time. Some of the most highly favoured activities include those involving men, or products and services related to men, the military, sports, surgical procedures, manufacturing (particularly iron and steel) and firearms. The mood is dynamic and will give a big boost to courageous activities and a push to get ahead, being highly competitive. Now is the time to let it shine. Strut your stuff on the catwalk of life and be prepared for the audience to love and shower you with much-deserved praise in your specific field. Being consciously competitive can be a creative rush and a sure way of expressing your unique talents and individuality. So be yourself with pride and enjoy your rise to the top. This applies even more to those of you with Sun, Moon or Ascendant in Aries in your birth chart, but all of us have Aries in one or the other of the houses in our personal horoscopes.
As you can imagine, this is a delicate time too, for with so much planetary influence pushing in one direction, there is the potential for going overboard if not careful. The mood is to be assertive, go-getting and crusading your cause, but not everyone wants to march to your drum do they? So the tendency may be to come across as opinionated and even end up getting overheated, leading to arguments and worse. Sportsmanship might help here. Certainly having something that you can call your own and work independently on may be good, since going it alone and taking the credit is the mode of nature that presently predominates. The mind will be impulsive, quick-thinking and potentially irritable if it doesn’t get its way or has to wait, so be extra careful of road rage - or any kind of rage for that matter. Our state president Jacob Zuma is an Aries so it will be interesting to see how he behaves over the coming fortnight and if he continues singing his favourite song, “Bring me my machine gun”. A good meditation over the Equinox of the 21st may be on maintaining a balanced and equipoised state of being during this time of equal day and night, for it could be a potentially emotional time in the fiery sense and not all of us are as cool-headed as others under fire.
As with last edition, Venus continues through Aries, but this time she is joined there by Mercury and on 21 March the Sun. That means, with Mars still in Leo, that it’s “Fire all the way” when considering the influence of our closest movers and shakers in the solar system. If Venus in Aries was forward last edition, then this time should be even more so. The favourable fire correspondence between the personal planets will allow them to all be talking the same language on the same page and in the same direction, so to speak. This will be an ego-boosting time. Some of the most highly favoured activities include those involving men, or products and services related to men, the military, sports, surgical procedures, manufacturing (particularly iron and steel) and firearms. The mood is dynamic and will give a big boost to courageous activities and a push to get ahead, being highly competitive. Now is the time to let it shine. Strut your stuff on the catwalk of life and be prepared for the audience to love and shower you with much-deserved praise in your specific field. Being consciously competitive can be a creative rush and a sure way of expressing your unique talents and individuality. So be yourself with pride and enjoy your rise to the top. This applies even more to those of you with Sun, Moon or Ascendant in Aries in your birth chart, but all of us have Aries in one or the other of the houses in our personal horoscopes.
As you can imagine, this is a delicate time too, for with so much planetary influence pushing in one direction, there is the potential for going overboard if not careful. The mood is to be assertive, go-getting and crusading your cause, but not everyone wants to march to your drum do they? So the tendency may be to come across as opinionated and even end up getting overheated, leading to arguments and worse. Sportsmanship might help here. Certainly having something that you can call your own and work independently on may be good, since going it alone and taking the credit is the mode of nature that presently predominates. The mind will be impulsive, quick-thinking and potentially irritable if it doesn’t get its way or has to wait, so be extra careful of road rage - or any kind of rage for that matter. Our state president Jacob Zuma is an Aries so it will be interesting to see how he behaves over the coming fortnight and if he continues singing his favourite song, “Bring me my machine gun”. A good meditation over the Equinox of the 21st may be on maintaining a balanced and equipoised state of being during this time of equal day and night, for it could be a potentially emotional time in the fiery sense and not all of us are as cool-headed as others under fire.
Return of the Red Planet
Thurs 4 March – Wed 17 March
Our goddess Venus continues to wear her nurse’s outfit as she accompanies the Sun through compassionate Pisces, but only until the 8th, when the Amazon in her emerges as she steps into fiery Aries. Here we have the childlike urge to directly pursue the objects of the senses, and get others to join in the misbehaving at the same time. “I want it and I want it now” you may hear her whispering in your ear. Whoever said a child is pure and innocent obviously hasn’t had one. The same primal urges and desires that you have are present in them, except without the fully developed frontal lobes to cultivate discernment or self-discipline, so it’s “me first, all mine” and other such survival instincts all demanding attention simultaneously. Of course the hunger that Venus in Aries stimulates can be a very healthy impetus to achieving the goal. Let’s just hope the goal is the appropriate one. What to speak of Patience, even Determination may go flying out the window though, for although the impulse toward immediate gratification may be stimulated, the staying power to see the journey through to achievement of the objective is just as easily distracted by some other object that enters the line of sight. If you are the type of person who is already finding the current Sun in Pisces to be watering down your resolve, undermining your logic and reviving your escapist tendencies, as the lower manifestation of the sign is able to do, then this added Venus influence may just be something to watch out for. However, if you are sensitized to the messages of your body, discriminating in the acceptance of your mind’s demands and not fooled by your ego, Venus in Aries should be able to add a playful, sparkling and warm-hearted edge to your personality this fortnight – great if you’re by nature the shy and retiring type, but may make you a bit blunt and inconsiderate if you are already a fiery or extroverted individual.
Add to this the fact that Mars is finally ending his retro phase and moving forward again from the 10th in Leo – also a fire sign – and you have a potent mix of passion, high spirits and enthusiasm to contend with folks. As to how you personally channel it is entirely up to you. Fortunately, to assist you along the path, Mercury makes a cameo appearance in Pisces for this fortnight only, joining the Sun and Jupiter there to inspire your dreams and visions. Just be careful that your fantasies don’t lead you to chasing pipe dreams, or becoming too easily seduced. The tendency to be bewildered by irrational fears or suspicions or to be easily swayed and gullible may arise in those with weaker minds now. However, those practiced in the art of meditation or contemplation may find they are more easily able to tap into the collective unconscious or akashic records and access the ancient wisdom there.
Our goddess Venus continues to wear her nurse’s outfit as she accompanies the Sun through compassionate Pisces, but only until the 8th, when the Amazon in her emerges as she steps into fiery Aries. Here we have the childlike urge to directly pursue the objects of the senses, and get others to join in the misbehaving at the same time. “I want it and I want it now” you may hear her whispering in your ear. Whoever said a child is pure and innocent obviously hasn’t had one. The same primal urges and desires that you have are present in them, except without the fully developed frontal lobes to cultivate discernment or self-discipline, so it’s “me first, all mine” and other such survival instincts all demanding attention simultaneously. Of course the hunger that Venus in Aries stimulates can be a very healthy impetus to achieving the goal. Let’s just hope the goal is the appropriate one. What to speak of Patience, even Determination may go flying out the window though, for although the impulse toward immediate gratification may be stimulated, the staying power to see the journey through to achievement of the objective is just as easily distracted by some other object that enters the line of sight. If you are the type of person who is already finding the current Sun in Pisces to be watering down your resolve, undermining your logic and reviving your escapist tendencies, as the lower manifestation of the sign is able to do, then this added Venus influence may just be something to watch out for. However, if you are sensitized to the messages of your body, discriminating in the acceptance of your mind’s demands and not fooled by your ego, Venus in Aries should be able to add a playful, sparkling and warm-hearted edge to your personality this fortnight – great if you’re by nature the shy and retiring type, but may make you a bit blunt and inconsiderate if you are already a fiery or extroverted individual.
Add to this the fact that Mars is finally ending his retro phase and moving forward again from the 10th in Leo – also a fire sign – and you have a potent mix of passion, high spirits and enthusiasm to contend with folks. As to how you personally channel it is entirely up to you. Fortunately, to assist you along the path, Mercury makes a cameo appearance in Pisces for this fortnight only, joining the Sun and Jupiter there to inspire your dreams and visions. Just be careful that your fantasies don’t lead you to chasing pipe dreams, or becoming too easily seduced. The tendency to be bewildered by irrational fears or suspicions or to be easily swayed and gullible may arise in those with weaker minds now. However, those practiced in the art of meditation or contemplation may find they are more easily able to tap into the collective unconscious or akashic records and access the ancient wisdom there.
Saturn contd.
Thurs 18 Feb – Wed 3 March
Old father Time or Chronos as Saturn is known (from where the words chronology and chronometer originate) moves so slowly that he remains in Libra for about two years, and thus seldom gets much of a mention. But while he is in Libra, the balancing of love, legalities or politics can become an increasingly complicated yet necessary task. Personal partnerships and contracts can overshadow your private plans, throwing you off balance. Relationships will either become fully engaging, or overwhelming, especially if you have a fear about making a commitment or being more socially involved. Besides that you can expect more concern with laws that govern and regulate society so that it is just and fair. Problems start when people take it on themselves to decide and judge who is more worthy than others to receive support and benefit.
But then that is a background influence, while on a more immediate and current level the Sun joins Venus and Jupiter in watery Pisces this edition, greatly facilitating the ability to become more sensitive to the emotional environment and develop the intuitive faculties. Now is the best time to go within and explore your dreams or visions for your future as well as nostalgically reminiscing about your past. The artist within you may well be inspired to pick up the pen, brush, camera or guitar and capture in picture, poem or song the wondrous workings of the world, the heart or – for those of you whose ears are even more sensitized – the soul. Don’t worry if you missed the boat on Valentine’s day for now is still the time to win the easily melted heart of your potential loved one with the seductive arts of sweet words and sweet chocolates. The boundaries and defenses may be a bit weaker at this time so dust off your violin and don’t be shy to serenade your sweetheart into a serene and sublime state of surrender. And if that’s not your scene then there is always the solitary introspective contemplation of the divine within you, who may have some cosmic revelations to reveal while you sit enraptured by the beauty of the world around us. After all, with three of the most positive planetary influences in Pisces at present, the opportunity is there to be moved from within or without. Just don’t forget to feed the cat.
Old father Time or Chronos as Saturn is known (from where the words chronology and chronometer originate) moves so slowly that he remains in Libra for about two years, and thus seldom gets much of a mention. But while he is in Libra, the balancing of love, legalities or politics can become an increasingly complicated yet necessary task. Personal partnerships and contracts can overshadow your private plans, throwing you off balance. Relationships will either become fully engaging, or overwhelming, especially if you have a fear about making a commitment or being more socially involved. Besides that you can expect more concern with laws that govern and regulate society so that it is just and fair. Problems start when people take it on themselves to decide and judge who is more worthy than others to receive support and benefit.
But then that is a background influence, while on a more immediate and current level the Sun joins Venus and Jupiter in watery Pisces this edition, greatly facilitating the ability to become more sensitive to the emotional environment and develop the intuitive faculties. Now is the best time to go within and explore your dreams or visions for your future as well as nostalgically reminiscing about your past. The artist within you may well be inspired to pick up the pen, brush, camera or guitar and capture in picture, poem or song the wondrous workings of the world, the heart or – for those of you whose ears are even more sensitized – the soul. Don’t worry if you missed the boat on Valentine’s day for now is still the time to win the easily melted heart of your potential loved one with the seductive arts of sweet words and sweet chocolates. The boundaries and defenses may be a bit weaker at this time so dust off your violin and don’t be shy to serenade your sweetheart into a serene and sublime state of surrender. And if that’s not your scene then there is always the solitary introspective contemplation of the divine within you, who may have some cosmic revelations to reveal while you sit enraptured by the beauty of the world around us. After all, with three of the most positive planetary influences in Pisces at present, the opportunity is there to be moved from within or without. Just don’t forget to feed the cat.
Thurs 4 Feb – Wed 17 Feb
Although serious Saturn has also been moving in a retrograde motion through Libra since mid January already, he is such a slow mover that we only get to discuss him now. Also, this sobering retro influence will be with us all the way up to the end of May, so there is no rushing this venerable old grandfather of the solar system.
Saturn governs the physical and psychological supports and structures in our life. He governs the rules and regulations by which we guide our lives, as well as our sense of responsibility and our limitations. He allows us to define our boundaries for ourselves by saying “No”. When Saturn is retrograde, it is a good time to go back and assess or solidify commitments made, projects started and responsibilities undertaken in the past. It gives us the opportunity to go back and reorganize or renegotiate any activities or commitments that seem to be the source of frustration. Weed out the source of frustration during these coming months, particularly – since Saturn is in Libra – in your relationships, whether business or personal, whether the frustration is due to too much or too little happening in the relationship department. Know how much you can do before you start to feel frustrated, trapped or confined, and draw the line before you reach that point. It is highly recommended that you do not start any new business ventures while Saturn is retrograde, for you may find a lot of reorganizing has to be done before any success can be achieved. I realize this is a long time to put off your new business – until the end of May – but going back to old or ongoing business is preferred for this time.
With much more mobile Mercury joining Sun in Aquarius on the 10th of February, the pace of thoughts and ideas will speed up, with original, inventive and even unorthodox insights coming to the fore. So feel free to think outside the box, take the opportunity to become scientific, objective and well-informed. Team work is highly favoured as well as seeing the bigger social picture. After all, we are all merely small parts and parcels of the one whole community, all with identical rights, even though our tastes may differ slightly. If you find yourself feeling somewhat scatterbrained on occasion, just say you are having an “intuitive moment”. The corpus callosum that bridges the two hemispheres of our brain is not as developed in some of us as it is in others and if we can’t synchronize both to speak in unison, creating that “aha” moment of grounded conscious insight, then we can at least allow one hemisphere to speak at a time.
Hopefully Venus in Pisces from the 11th will add a healthy dose of empathy and a mood of voluntary self-sacrifice for the service of those in need, especially if the Aquarian influence becomes too coolly objective and calculating. Venus in Pisces should also stimulate musical or poetic inspiration, and if not personal romance, then perhaps a more altruistic love for humanity and a vision of that spark of divinity present in all life forms.
Although serious Saturn has also been moving in a retrograde motion through Libra since mid January already, he is such a slow mover that we only get to discuss him now. Also, this sobering retro influence will be with us all the way up to the end of May, so there is no rushing this venerable old grandfather of the solar system.
Saturn governs the physical and psychological supports and structures in our life. He governs the rules and regulations by which we guide our lives, as well as our sense of responsibility and our limitations. He allows us to define our boundaries for ourselves by saying “No”. When Saturn is retrograde, it is a good time to go back and assess or solidify commitments made, projects started and responsibilities undertaken in the past. It gives us the opportunity to go back and reorganize or renegotiate any activities or commitments that seem to be the source of frustration. Weed out the source of frustration during these coming months, particularly – since Saturn is in Libra – in your relationships, whether business or personal, whether the frustration is due to too much or too little happening in the relationship department. Know how much you can do before you start to feel frustrated, trapped or confined, and draw the line before you reach that point. It is highly recommended that you do not start any new business ventures while Saturn is retrograde, for you may find a lot of reorganizing has to be done before any success can be achieved. I realize this is a long time to put off your new business – until the end of May – but going back to old or ongoing business is preferred for this time.
With much more mobile Mercury joining Sun in Aquarius on the 10th of February, the pace of thoughts and ideas will speed up, with original, inventive and even unorthodox insights coming to the fore. So feel free to think outside the box, take the opportunity to become scientific, objective and well-informed. Team work is highly favoured as well as seeing the bigger social picture. After all, we are all merely small parts and parcels of the one whole community, all with identical rights, even though our tastes may differ slightly. If you find yourself feeling somewhat scatterbrained on occasion, just say you are having an “intuitive moment”. The corpus callosum that bridges the two hemispheres of our brain is not as developed in some of us as it is in others and if we can’t synchronize both to speak in unison, creating that “aha” moment of grounded conscious insight, then we can at least allow one hemisphere to speak at a time.
Hopefully Venus in Pisces from the 11th will add a healthy dose of empathy and a mood of voluntary self-sacrifice for the service of those in need, especially if the Aquarian influence becomes too coolly objective and calculating. Venus in Pisces should also stimulate musical or poetic inspiration, and if not personal romance, then perhaps a more altruistic love for humanity and a vision of that spark of divinity present in all life forms.
Thurs 21 Jan – Wed 3 Feb 2010
Well the good news is that Mercury has completed his retrograde phase and is now moving forward again through Capricorn, thus putting away his trickster mask and picking up from where he left off as dutiful minister of communications and noteworthy neural networking. Thus the thought processes, as well as the appliances or tools of your trade, should be a bit more grounded, practical, reliable and steady.
The not so good news, however, is that Mars, the minister of defense, is still moving retrograde through proud Leo, and as alluded to last time, now more than usual, anxiety could develop around image and libidinal expression, with aggression being the first symptom of a block in that area. Mars is usually fearless, independent, generous and honest, like a noble warrior, but the opposite may be the mood during this retro phase, especially should issues from the past, where grand statements were made, come forward to demand a reckoning. People in positions of authority, trust or responsibility may need to watch their backs lest Anthony return to meet Caesar. Even while working or playing hard, we need to beware the expression of a fiery or violent temper, especially those of us with heart conditions. A friend may quite innocently want to demonstrate to you his latest kung fu moves but end up accidentally poking you in the eye. Liability to fever, inflammations, sunstroke or back pain also increases (Leo is a fire sign that governs the heart and back). Any danger of accident or violence will probably be the outcome of carelessness, unchecked aggression or just plain foolishness, so stay cool.
To help you keep a cool head, the Sun will be gliding through the social, intellectual and sometimes progressive air sign of Aquarius for the next month, joined there by lovely Venus, so now is the time to spread your networking net and catch up with long lost friends as well as make many new ones. Anything more romantic than the swapping of interesting websites, theories on the origins of the pyramids, or eco-friendly dishwashing detergents may have to wait until later though.
This week also marks the move of jovial Jupiter into the potentially compassionate and sensitive water sign of Pisces. As a result there will be an underlying background influence over the next several months – for those who are thus inclined – of spiritual or religious receptivity, charity and a rediscovering of that once cherished but perhaps now eroded overall belief in the inherent beauty and goodness of the universe. The greatest tragedy is the waste, indolence and frustration that can result in not maintaining this belief. After all, the universe will manifest to you according to your personal perception thereof. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder for the eye is the window of the soul.
Well the good news is that Mercury has completed his retrograde phase and is now moving forward again through Capricorn, thus putting away his trickster mask and picking up from where he left off as dutiful minister of communications and noteworthy neural networking. Thus the thought processes, as well as the appliances or tools of your trade, should be a bit more grounded, practical, reliable and steady.
The not so good news, however, is that Mars, the minister of defense, is still moving retrograde through proud Leo, and as alluded to last time, now more than usual, anxiety could develop around image and libidinal expression, with aggression being the first symptom of a block in that area. Mars is usually fearless, independent, generous and honest, like a noble warrior, but the opposite may be the mood during this retro phase, especially should issues from the past, where grand statements were made, come forward to demand a reckoning. People in positions of authority, trust or responsibility may need to watch their backs lest Anthony return to meet Caesar. Even while working or playing hard, we need to beware the expression of a fiery or violent temper, especially those of us with heart conditions. A friend may quite innocently want to demonstrate to you his latest kung fu moves but end up accidentally poking you in the eye. Liability to fever, inflammations, sunstroke or back pain also increases (Leo is a fire sign that governs the heart and back). Any danger of accident or violence will probably be the outcome of carelessness, unchecked aggression or just plain foolishness, so stay cool.
To help you keep a cool head, the Sun will be gliding through the social, intellectual and sometimes progressive air sign of Aquarius for the next month, joined there by lovely Venus, so now is the time to spread your networking net and catch up with long lost friends as well as make many new ones. Anything more romantic than the swapping of interesting websites, theories on the origins of the pyramids, or eco-friendly dishwashing detergents may have to wait until later though.
This week also marks the move of jovial Jupiter into the potentially compassionate and sensitive water sign of Pisces. As a result there will be an underlying background influence over the next several months – for those who are thus inclined – of spiritual or religious receptivity, charity and a rediscovering of that once cherished but perhaps now eroded overall belief in the inherent beauty and goodness of the universe. The greatest tragedy is the waste, indolence and frustration that can result in not maintaining this belief. After all, the universe will manifest to you according to your personal perception thereof. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder for the eye is the window of the soul.
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