Thurs 15 April - Wed 28 April
With the Sun still in impulsive Aries until April 20th and our goddess Venus back at home in Taurus until the 25th , you definitely want to count to ten before pulling out that credit card and investing in something you may later regret, even if it has all the latest tweeters and whoofers built in for your listening pleasure. When the mischievous magician Mercury begins his three week retrograde motion on April 18th you may find yourself re-evaluating and even returning the very item you so lavishly invested in just days before. While Mars is continuing through noble Leo, you may even be acting under a mood of heartfelt generosity and spending on your sons or lovers. Nevertheless, the earthy placing of Mercury in Taurus should hopefully add thoughtfulness to the equation, balancing out the Aries tendency to leap before you look.
Of course for those brief few days from the 20th to the 25th when the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in tolerant Taurus, the pace of things will be at its slowest, possibly a good thing as it allows us time to ruminate and reflect with caution on the issues at hand. Thereafter the Sun continues his languid meander through the meadows of the Bull, accompanied by Mr. Mercury, now in retrograde remember, implying a seemingly slower pace than before. However, what Mercury is doing by walking backwards is that he is looking back and reviewing past events with the idea of refining and refurbishing them so as to actually be more efficient in future, even if it seems counter-productive at present. Therefore any delays that may crop up are only there to facilitate future expediency, like a good highway construction crew. Fortunately, when in the sign of Taurus, Mercury is going to ensure that the workmanship is of higher quality than usual. In fact throughout his sojourn through Taurus, craftsmanship, carpentry, building or construction efforts are all greatly favoured and improved, even if the retro fit brings delays with it. Even your entire value system may come up for review as value for money competes with style and prestige in the maintenance and development of your city of nine gates.
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