Thursday, April 29, 2010

Easter and the pagan fertility festival

Thurs 1 April – Wed 14 April

With Mercury and Venus both strolling through earthy and sensual Taurus at present, don’t be surprised if you find yourself unable to resist the indulgent delicacies on offer at the Easter celebrations this year. Venus is in her own sign when in Taurus and thus more than ever able to facilitate enjoyment of the five senses. Even though eggs and bunnies are actually a carry-over from the pre-Christian pagan fertility festival that used to occur at this time of the year, who can resist them when they appear in their chocolate incarnations, with such colourful new wrappings? In this way symbols from our ancient past still permeate our present collective consciousness without being questioned, even though it is quite obvious that they have nothing to do with the current religious ideologies. And God forbid that I should be indulging in pagan imagery when I get home from church on Easter Sunday. Fortunately Venus in Taurus greatly facilitates fertility or anything earthy or related to Nature, whether as Gaia or any other goddess. So this is an ideal time to tune in to the beauty of nature, appreciate more natural products as well as reflect on the need to go green and protect Mother earth from exploitation, while at the same time providing our bodies with the healthiest care. Of course this should be our focus all the time and not just this fortnight, but with Venus so well placed to facilitate this focus, we can use the opportunity to realign ourselves with this theme. Otherwise the urge to indulge the senses, which is also strengthened now, may find us succumbing to the demands of the tongue. Obviously this is also a great time to hear or play fine music, do any interior decorating, landscaping or any other activity that requires an aesthetically refined touch. Creature comforts and beautiful surroundings are the order of the day, and may leave you feeling frustrated if you are roughing it in some concrete jungle somewhere.

With Mercury also in stable Taurus now, the mind will need time to ponder and chew things over, with tastes tending toward the traditional. This is not the time to try to convince someone to change their minds about anything, and even if they like your ideas, they will need plenty of time to form an opinion. Just make sure it is based on sound practical advice or common sense if you want to appeal at all. Hopefully the tendency to be realistic, to the point of conservative, will prevent any lavish spending urges when the senses are attracted by some glittering must-have luxury item. It all depends on your individual value systems, which may also come up for questioning under this influence.
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