Thursday, April 29, 2010


Thurs 4 Feb – Wed 17 Feb
Although serious Saturn has also been moving in a retrograde motion through Libra since mid January already, he is such a slow mover that we only get to discuss him now. Also, this sobering retro influence will be with us all the way up to the end of May, so there is no rushing this venerable old grandfather of the solar system.

Saturn governs the physical and psychological supports and structures in our life. He governs the rules and regulations by which we guide our lives, as well as our sense of responsibility and our limitations. He allows us to define our boundaries for ourselves by saying “No”. When Saturn is retrograde, it is a good time to go back and assess or solidify commitments made, projects started and responsibilities undertaken in the past. It gives us the opportunity to go back and reorganize or renegotiate any activities or commitments that seem to be the source of frustration. Weed out the source of frustration during these coming months, particularly – since Saturn is in Libra – in your relationships, whether business or personal, whether the frustration is due to too much or too little happening in the relationship department. Know how much you can do before you start to feel frustrated, trapped or confined, and draw the line before you reach that point. It is highly recommended that you do not start any new business ventures while Saturn is retrograde, for you may find a lot of reorganizing has to be done before any success can be achieved. I realize this is a long time to put off your new business – until the end of May – but going back to old or ongoing business is preferred for this time.

With much more mobile Mercury joining Sun in Aquarius on the 10th of February, the pace of thoughts and ideas will speed up, with original, inventive and even unorthodox insights coming to the fore. So feel free to think outside the box, take the opportunity to become scientific, objective and well-informed. Team work is highly favoured as well as seeing the bigger social picture. After all, we are all merely small parts and parcels of the one whole community, all with identical rights, even though our tastes may differ slightly. If you find yourself feeling somewhat scatterbrained on occasion, just say you are having an “intuitive moment”. The corpus callosum that bridges the two hemispheres of our brain is not as developed in some of us as it is in others and if we can’t synchronize both to speak in unison, creating that “aha” moment of grounded conscious insight, then we can at least allow one hemisphere to speak at a time.

Hopefully Venus in Pisces from the 11th will add a healthy dose of empathy and a mood of voluntary self-sacrifice for the service of those in need, especially if the Aquarian influence becomes too coolly objective and calculating. Venus in Pisces should also stimulate musical or poetic inspiration, and if not personal romance, then perhaps a more altruistic love for humanity and a vision of that spark of divinity present in all life forms.

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