Fri 12 August – Thurs 25 August
Sun in Leo; Mercury in Leo R; Venus in Leo/Virgo 21st, Mars in Cancer
London’s burning as Mercury retrogrades into Leo, joining ‘ol King Sol and Lady Venus there. Leo the lion is traditionally king of the jungle, able to bring out the generous, kind-hearted benefactor in us, the protector of the poor and benefactor of children, but at present the old king is dying. What was once – until recently - known as the most powerful nation in the world, with the biggest economy, is now revealed to be shackled to the biggest debt in the world, 50% of which is owed to the two other upcoming great nations of the East. No need to mention any names, but it looks like the emperors new clothes are been seen for what they are as the sinking ship, dragged ever further downward by the fourteen trillion dollar albatross around its neck creates a whirlpool that threatens every other nation on the globe with similar disaster. If you like your just desserts double-dipped then this is for you. Stock markets are already bailing ship, along with your pension money. With panic in the streets of London and Cairo and Lisbon and Athens and Tel Aviv and Jo’burg, the people are calling out for a leader to save the day. Where have those leaders with Leonine qualities gone? Even Obama, a Leo, who carries a picture of Hanuman in his top pocket, seems to lack the ability to avert his ship from the rocks. And Hanuman is a servant of that mightiest of Leaders, Lord Rama, who established Rama raja, ideal rule, where even the weather harmonized in reciprocation with the purity of consciousness of the ruler. It’s all very well calling for troops to hang the dj, but somebody has to play the tunes the rest of us want to dance to. So if you have been finding yourself in a quandary lately, as you lose faith, lose hope or lose money, no longer knowing in who do we trust, then remember that you are not alone, and at times like these it is not just death and taxes that are a certainty, but there is also cash in the hand and the holy names, as we are weaned off our addiction to the credit card and all other illusions thrown at us by maya and the banks. The longstanding square aspect between the outer generational planets of Uranus and Pluto is continuing to overshadow attempts to see the sunny side in all of this, despite the attempted boost one would normally expect from the current Leo triplicity of Sun, Mercury and Venus. When is becomes evident that the entire Arab revolution which began in Egypt in January was possibly started by outside forces (read Uncle Sam) to topple a regime that stood in their way (as with Iraq) and that that revolution is spreading like wildfire throughout the streets of the entire region, including Europe, then it’s time to go for gold – or silver – and to stand up and say we have had enough, for cometh the hour, cometh the person, and that person is you. We need to look within for our hero of the day, our saviour in the hour of need. No one out there is going to do it for you. It’s either that or be subjected to right wing extremist Sharia hand chopping, or Fascism. It was, after all, the Great depression of the 1920’s and 30’s that let to the rise of that other infamous leader, the one that galvanized Germany by burning his own houses of parliament and blaming it on external forces (read 9/11) so that he could create his own type of homeland security act which ended in World War 2.