Monday, August 15, 2011

Back home back to Godhead

Fri 1 July – Thurs 14 July 2011

Sun in Cancer; Mercury in Cancer/Leo 2nd; Venus in Gemini/Cancer 4th; Mars in Gemini

During the Sun’s current transit of Cancer it is natural if you are feeling a bit crabby. Like the crab you may find yourself currently needing a thick outer shell behind which to hide your somewhat sensitized and vulnerable emotional nature. This is backed up even more when Venus joins Sun in Cancer on the 4th of July (a day all green card holders will find their patriotic sides emerging). Feelings of insecurity may urge you to return to things from the past that brought you a sense of security and belonging. We all have a family of some sort or another, whether an actual mother and father from our childhood home, or a spiritual family with which we resonate, a belief system which brings us security in our existential need for meaning, or provides a glimpse of a hidden hand harmoniously controlling what may otherwise seem like a random swirling of chaos that makes up the universe, the milky way and our insignificant and fleeting place therein. There may even be great significance placed on the homeland, the motherland, the fatherland, like Zion, Mecca, Jerusalem or Vrindavan, where one may feel drawn metaphysically. We all want to go back home in one way or other and this may be an external reflection of an inner yearning which grips the spirit soul on her quest for a return to an original state of union with the source. Of course it may also just be the yearning of the individual for a return to that safe and subliminal space inside the womb. Whatever level you wish to see it on, the current Cancer theme is the time to get in touch with your roots, make yourself at home or get back to where you once belonged. On a purely mundane level this is also the time to focus on real estate, buying or selling your land or property. Besides that Venus in Cancer also has a tendency to leave the less emotionally robust of us feeling vulnerable, delicate or easily hurt, so take care you rough riders when in the company of the rest of us. Not everyone is as thick-skinned, and even if they are, now is possibly the time when they have their shells in for repairs or their armour at the blacksmith. Those with perpetually thin armour may find themelves eating more in order to nurture themselves or just pack on extra padding. Whatever it takes to increase the feeling of security. The secret now would be to provide extra displays of reassurance as far as emotional security is concerned, possibly even practical security, if you want to maintain your relationships or help them grow. Avoid any tendency to sulk or feel sorry for yourself while you enjoy the warmth of hearth and home. Ultimately only you can provide the sense of security needed to feel stable and at home in your body, in your relationship and on this planet. So welcome home, the power is in your hands and the dinner is in the oven.

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