Monday, August 15, 2011

Leadership required, apply within

Fri 29 July – Thurs 11 Aug

Sun in Leo; Mercury in Virgo; Venus in Leo; Mars in Gemini/Cancer 3rd

With Mercury in Virgo and Mars in Gemini , both signs ruled by Mercury, the mind will be the place to channel your drive and the mental capacities should be on top form. After all, it’s all in the mind. Just don’t get too mental about anything now either though, (with Mercury going retrograde on 2nd August) for the tendency may be there to work the mind overtime, depending on your make of model of course. If you have a mind like a Mac then by all means, capitalize on the opportunity to get a lot of mental work done. But if you’re running on a little Toshiba, then be kind and power down occasionally. If that’s an effort, try Melatonin…works wonders. Just don’t take it before cycling home. You may find yourself dozing off at the handlebars.

By August 3rd Mars will be in Cancer, a place he can struggle in, for unless you are planning to roll up your sleeves and work on that home renovation project, then all that libido in the home can sometimes lead to arguments amongst family members. In this water sign, the influence of Mars can express itself on an emotional level. Let’s hope the visceral influence of Mercury’s attempted transit through Virgo allows for time to think it through objectively as the adjectives fly. Don’t worry, the mood is not particularly physical or competitive as much as emotive. Little things may steal the view of the bigger picture. On the positive side a game of football with the family can be a healthy expression of the current Mars theme. Loyalties can be cultivated and strengthened now. Like those to the club, clan or cause. Or even your significant other. With Venus accompanying the Sun on their promenade through Leo, don’t be shy to get theatrical in your romantic overtures, even going down on one knee – if not two. Indeed if you qualify for Venus’ affection now, she is most definitely willing to shower her affections on you, being fiercely loyal herself to those she deems worthy.  If you can get your mind out of the way then this is a particularly romantic time, so watch those charmers and crooners steal the show, your heart or that kiss. With the present fun-loving mood, you may find the showman in you emerging so work on that stylish outfit but be willing to share the spotlight. This is an outgoing, generous and affectionate transit for Venus, especially when coupled by the Sun, so remember that sometimes the best gift you can offer is yourself at your best for the good of all concerned. Remember that you influence many others around you unknowingly simply by your actions and choices, what to speak of your thoughts, particularly if you’re in a place of leadership.  And real leadership is about being the person others will gladly and confidently follow, the person that brings out the best in others, that empowers others to be the best they can be. A badge or title is not enough to lead in the long term unless it is supported by a warm, person-centered heart, actual benefit to society and ultimately (if you want true loyalty) actual benefit to the individual follower herself. Ultimately a boss may inspire fear or fix blame for the breakdown, but it is the leader who inspires enthusiasm and who fixes the breakdown itself.

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