Monday, August 15, 2011

Riding the bull

Fri 20 May – Thurs 2 June 2011

Sun in Taurus/Gemini 21st; Mercury in Taurus; Venus in Taurus; Mars in Taurus

Forgive me if I talk a lot of bull this edition, it’s just that if you’ve been observing the inner planets you will notice that they are fast following the Sun into the bullish earth sign of Taurus, like a gaggle of groupies after a blinged-out rapper. But just as they are within shouting distance, old King Sol swaggers out of Taurus and into Gemini, transforming his mood like the quick-change artist he is. And quick change is what the Gemini Sun can offer you this month. That’s if the Taurean triplets of Mercury, Venus and Mars will allow it, for in Aries they were forward-thinking and open to new adventures, but in earthy Taurus the tendency is leaning much more towards holding your ground with stubborn reserve and, at best, building up to a frantic plod with long-term results in mind. This will serve the backline defenders and goalkeeper very well, but it is the strikers like Lionel Messi – a Gemini Sun – who will also have the goal in mind and may be as nimble and dexterous and hard to pin down as ever. So what happens when you have the combination of a quick thinking Gemini Sun and a defensive, resistant and united Mercury, Venus and Mars? Well you get a winning team – if you can get them to all play ball. Certainly socializing, networking, exchanging ideas, trading and communicating are all strongly facilitated under Gemini, and with Venus in her own sign in Taurus now, the desires for good food, drink and other social lubricants will add flavour to your affairs. Expect the appetites for the luxuries and sensual pleasures to continue. Just be careful not to fall under the spell of that expensive new item while trading your wares at the market place. Unless you can afford it of course. The potential allure of the best that money can buy can still be tempered by Mercury in Taurus, also thinking methodically, rationally and, above all, practically. Tastes are opulent now so use the earthy and practical Mercury influence to think it through first before you end up with the morning after bringing you a serious headache, stomach ache, heartache or wallet ache. Once you’ve made up your mind though, it will be hard to change, which may actually be the necessary counter-balance to the Gemini flexibility currently blowing us all over the place and scattering our energies.

The triple Taurus trend is a good one for handling financial matters and managing your money so use this window of opportunity to set your records straight, visit your bank manager or buy yourself a piggybank. If the dual influence of Gemini leaves you in two minds about things then try diversifying your portfolio. Just beware being too obstinate to change your mind or differ from your initial decision in spite of more lucrative evidence to the contrary. It is common sense that leads to common dollars, and a wise man can take gold even from a filthy place.

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