Thursday, April 29, 2010

Riding the bull home

Thurs 29 April – Wed 12 May

Ah, the titillating tastes of the Sun in Taurus may well continue to allure, as we find ourselves enhanced by the acquisition of possessions and can’t help but identify with these outer trappings and the security they bring. However, with Mercury still knee high in the bull manure, too much focus on the maximization of gain and of enjoyment can have the opposite effect. Disruptions or communication breakdown in diplomacy, the arts and the pursuit of money, possessions and pleasure are possible, so pay close attention when those highlights go in at the salon or the work goes up on the gallery walls. Even modern art can get lost in translation. To put it another way, Mercury retro in Taurus brings stubborn blockages connected with new ideas, powers of concentration and putting ideas into a practical format. Access to the most direct route to your goals is likely to be blocked by breakdowns in communication and unwillingness to compromise. Pay close attention to what you say and communicate in general, particularly around the days of Mercury's station on May 11th. If you are itching to argue with someone, especially, or if you are planning on "signing on the dotted line", try to hold off. It is possible that you may have a change of mind once the station passes, so you can avoid some damage in the meantime. People don't say what they mean, or mean what they say! Some people are more sensitive to Mercury retrograde cycles than others. Mercury-ruled Gemini and Virgo are likely to be particularly sensitive to the effects in general. This applies to anyone who has a number of planets in either sign.

Pushy Mars in an equally fixed (read autocratic) sign of Leo is not going to find it easy holding back either now. Confidence is increased, so the urge to make a showy and physical go of it may urgently demand expression. If only the World Cup was already on. Going for goal will come naturally now, especially on a grand stage. Maybe you can find your own trophy to attain, your own holy grail, something you can show the world and thereby inspire them to also take up the challenge to shine like gold. Just be careful not to overdo it or throw your weight around too much, unless of course you’re worth the weight.

Now with Venus also in flirty Gemini, the mood may well be incredibly social and highly inquisitive so use your wit and charm to make new friends and influence people. Being a mutable (read changeable) air sign, Gemini will facilitate the need for variety in your social scene. If ever you needed to know how to juggle your acts, then now is the time.

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