Friday, June 25, 2010

Mercury blows the ball into the net

Thurs 10 June – Wed 23 June
The Sun in the air sign of Gemini greatly facilitates communication, wind instruments and learning new subjects or new words. Here’s a new word for the English language: vuvuzela. It’s a noun and describes a monotonous trumpet-like object whose sound can transport you to the temples of Tibet or the path of an approaching ocean liner, depending on whether your team has won or not; popularized by South Africans at the 2010 World Cup soccer. Gemini rules the lungs but not the dribble, so keep the dribble on the ball and off your fellow spectators’ shoulders if you have to blow your vuvuzela ad nauseum during any of the matches. It may tend to run out the front of your vuvuzela if you’re not careful, and though the Sun in Gemini greatly favours meeting the neighbours, there must be better ways than blowing your own trumpet into his or her ear while simultaneously salivating like a St. Bernard. The current world footballer of the year – Lionel Messi from Argentina – is a Gemini, so perhaps he will be blessed by the Winged Messenger, also coincidentally in the sign of Gemini this edition. Just in time to facilitate dexterous ball-juggling by the meistros of the beautiful game.
Besides that we will all benefit from a boost of speed in all thought and communication while the Sun and Mercury whiz through Gemini, the latter taking exactly two weeks to transit the entire sign. Speech, writing, brainstorming, and all forms of media will feel the boost in bandwidth, so check your breaks incase the pace leaves you slipping up or scatterbrained. The mind may become restless, distracted and difficult to focus, but you can make plenty of contacts and network many new ideas with those on the same page as you.
With Venus leaving Cancer by the 14th feelings won’t be as sensitive but nor will they be as kind hearted or sympathetic either as relationships move from a nurturing, mothering mood to one of social pride in our partner and a flashier need for shows of affection. Although Mars is now in dutiful Virgo and will want to put all his energy into his work and possibly his workout too, so that he looks and feels fit and healthy, Leonine Venus will still want to have fun and feel good by having a little something romantic on the side. Let’s hope you have time for all this in your busy schedule, what with all those soccer matches demanding your attention too. You won’t be able to blame Venus for feeling a bit jealous as she has to compete with the footballers for your attention. Make sure you leave enough time after all the daily demands to lavish your attention on a potential loved one. Venus is at one of her most romantic and ardent times now, so it would be a pity to lose the opportunity just because Mars is feeling more dedicated to his work or feeling rather critical, exacting or even severe as his perfectionist tendencies rear their puritanical heads. If you find any nervous habits, odd ailments or irritability manifesting, it means you are probably over-analyzing life and getting too caught up in your work and getting it done correctly now, and forgetting to take time to wine and dine your better half. Just because the winter solstice of June 21 is a time of extremes, it doesn’t mean you can’t still use the Gemini influence to multi-task or have your fingers in more than just one pie.

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