Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jupiter retro and the Scorpio shakti

Thurs 16 Sept – Wed 29 September
Sun in Virgo, 23rd Libra; Mercury in Virgo; Venus in Scorpio; Mars in Scorpio; Jupiter in Pisces (Retro).

What happens when the CEO of Apollo and Son, along with his secretary Mercury arrive at a meeting in a mood of chaste Virgo, while next to them at the round table conference sits Mr and Ms Mars and Venus in sensual and secretive Scorpio? Well if his holiness Jupiter in Pisces were there, he could marry them off while Mr Apollo gave away the bride and Mercury acted as best man.

Particularly since Jupiter is retrograde for the next six weeks or so. He will inspire us to go back and rediscover old religious ways. Ah the good old days, when marriage still meant something. That union of opposites, that tying of the knot, that yoking of the two, that yoga of love. It’s been weeks now that Mars and Venus have been shadowing each other through the courting sign of Libra, never more than a few degree of separation between them. What a conjunction! At now it really gets serious as they take the relationship to the next level - in Scorpio. Hold on to your hats – you don’t want the kundalini blowing a hole through your crown chakra just yet. However, if any sign can reveal the depth, insight and thus illumination attainable when male and female come together like the twining serpents of Mercury’s caduseus, whether as a married couple or as the union of opposites between the eyebrows of the aspirant, then it is Scorpio. The attractive potency, and the desire nature will be simultaneously intensified. Kundalini energy will be stimulated and the magnetism between positive and negative polarities will intensify, whether externally or within the aspiring yogi. This conjunction of Mars and Venus in such a potent sign is highly conducive to fertilization, as the spark of inspiration flies from one to the other and creative expression in all its forms becomes so possible now. Rebirth, rejuvenation and resurrection of life from the fertile plains of the akash are dawning. Use this momentary window of opportunity to harness the merging of Mars and Venus energies in potent and fertile Scorpio to seed new creations, to act on your desire to actualize your highest expression of your self. Under no circumstances should you allow your intensified desire nature and creative urge to become contaminated by misdirected intention or attention during this time. This will merely waste a golden opportunity. The potentials are huge, but in the wrong hands the repercussions are dire if you allow the force or shakti to become misplaced. With Jupiter retrograde in Pisces we are able to go back and retrieve the secrets of the ancient mystery traditions and gain entire new levels of realization in the tantric arts, as we discover the attractive principle, and for a few even attain a glimpse of the all-attractive one, the reservoir of all pleasure, the one without a second.

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