Sunday, March 13, 2011

Party like it's 2011

Thurs 23rd Dec – Wed 5th Jan 2011

Sun in Capricorn; Mercury in Sag (dir 30th); Venus in Scorpio; Mars in Cap

With Venus having spent so long in sexy Scorpio it’s more than likely that you have addressed, undressed or redressed your relationship issues concerning shared energies and shared resources (like the bed as well as the bank account) at some point during the past couple of months. If not then this is the final fortnight of the Love goddess’s swing through the most sultry and seductive sign of the zodiac so get it while it’s hot. If you’re not getting it, it may be that you are either too self-obsessed, work-distressed or God-possessed for your own good. Yes, there are still some celibate monks running around out there saving it up for the big climax in the sky, though in this day and age God only knows why. Mantak Chia would not recommend it, and neither would I. Been there, done that got the hang-ups, still trying to shake them off. Not to worry if the Mercury retrograde is leaving you feeling all tongue-tied (only until the last day of the year); internet dating is also an option, completely nerd-friendly and you can hide behind your monitor as you monitor the progress of your online romance. And hey, that significant other could be anywhere on the planet. Just don’t ask me how you plan to consummate the deal, perhaps with your scanner. On a serious note though, for Mars currently in Capricorn can be a bit too serious for his own good, especially since the Sun has joined him there at his workplace while the rest of us are on holiday – in the sunshine or making snowmen, depending on your hemisphere – get out of the office for a bit. Whoosh, did you see that? That was 2010 just flying past you while you had your nose to the grindstone. Yes, there it goes out the window while the sober Capricorn Mars leaves you feeling too shy to romance anyone but your secretary. There is life after money, just to remind you, and after status. Who cares where you hang on the corporate or social ladder? Is it that internal father figure tapping his cane in your direction, causing you to forget why you actually landed yourself on this planet in the first place? Sure, the goat likes to climb his or her way to the top of the heap, but what are you going to do when you get there? And have you ever thought that perhaps you are already there? As one great sage once said “Be there now”. There you have it, and life is for living; did you know that you already have it, whatever “it” is for you. You have already attained the goal, for the journey is the destination and you always had it. This is it, so welcome home. The striving is over, you can get off that ladder, pack away the treadmill, burn the good book and know your true self here and now where the rest of us are also busy, busy partying like its 2011.

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